Abandoned Child Policy

If a child has still not been collected 15 minutes after the end of their session, the parents will be contacted. If there is no reply, the emergency contacts on the registration form will be rung.

If the child should have gone home at lunchtime, we will continue to try to make contact with the parents or emergency contacts throughout the afternoon. If the child has still not been collected by the end of the nursery day, then the Social Services Emergency Duty Team will be contacted and their instructions followed.

If a child attending a full day has not been collected 15 minutes after the end of the session, the parents and/or emergency contacts will be rung as before.

If contact has still not been made one hour after the end of the session, the Social Services Emergency Duty Team will be contacted and their instructions followed.

At all times, a minimum of two staff will remain in the building with the child. One member of staff will be responsible for staying with the child and keeping them happy and safe, whilst the other member of staff regularly tries to contact the parents or emergency numbers.


This policy was reviewed in November 2021.