First aid

Faculties or Directorates will determine the number of First Aiders and Lifesavers needed by completing a First Aid Needs Assessment. The number of first aiders trained and equipment needed is reviewed annually with the Facilities Managers in consultation with the OH Department.

Oxford Brookes first aiders have completed the 3-day First Aid at Work training. The role of the first aider is to:

  • Provide an immediate treatment service for minor injuries and advise on possible and appropriate further actions
  • Advise on the immediate supervision of serious accidents and illnesses - ensure that specialist help is obtained as necessary.

Oxford Brookes life-savers have completed the 1-day Emergency First Aid course which meets the standards required to comply with the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. This course is the minimum requirement for a person to deal with potential casualties in the workplace. Lifesavers provide support and backup to first aiders.