
Geoversity: The Oxford Brookes University Undergraduate research journal for Geography


GEOVERSITY was a Geography eJournal that ran from 2007 to 2009. It published articles from Oxford Brookes University undergraduates based on research work undertaken during their degree. The aim of the journal was to enable Oxford Brookes University undergraduate Geography students to get their work published. All papers submitted underwent a constructive review by postgraduate reviewers followed by a decision on whether to publish by the Editorial Board (comprised of Oxford Brookes University Lecturers and students). Papers were then published on the GEOVERSITY website and the Oxford Brookes institutional repository for other students, tutors and members of the general public to access.

Table of Contents

1) Determining the relationship between rock colour and the type of physical weathering on desert pavements in arid landscapes, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE. Ollie Swift, Department of Anthropology & Geography, Oxford Brookes University. 2) Reflections on ‘My Deepest Hope’. Midas Gordon-Farleigh, Department of Anthropology & Geography, Oxford Brookes University. 3) An analysis of the Impact of the Gaia Theory on Ecology and Evolutionary Theory. Elisabeth Rushton, Department of Anthropology & Geography and Anthropology, Oxford Brookes University. 4) ‘Should we buy Organic?’. Sophie Bennett, Department Anthropology & Geography, Oxford Brookes University. 5) A Guide and Trail to Silchester’s Environment and History – exploring Silchester Common and the Roman Wall. Cheryl A. Pocock, Department Anthropology & Geography, Oxford Brookes University. 6) Does the Culture and Practice of Allotment Holding within Oxford help to build a Sustainable Local Economy? Lorna Robinson, Department Anthropology & Geography, Oxford Brookes University. 7) Can Government policy make the difference?: Analysis of the Long and Short-term prospects for Government Economic Policies to commercialise Carbon Capture and Storage, Biomass and reduced CO2 transport technologies in the UK. Alastair Reed, Department Anthropology & Geography, Oxford Brookes University. 8) Minerals, Landscapes and Heritage: A Museum Fieldtrail for KS4 Students. Emma Hughes, Department Anthropology & Geography, Oxford Brookes University

Series Information

Aims and scope: Geoversity published original undergraduate research and scholarship in physical and human geography with particular emphasis placed on: Publication of geographical research undertaken by individuals and groups during, or as part of, undergraduate degrees; All aspects of geographical thought, investigation and critical reflection, with a balance of human, environmental and physical geography; The publication of research findings undertaken using a wide range of research approach, design and methodology; Ensuring rigorous standards of refereeing, and exposing students to the process of academic publication. The aims of Geoversity were: to allow students to pilot research writing skills in a supportive environment of review. The latter exposes students to the process of academic publication.; to allow high quality undergraduate research to be accessed in the public domain. Readership: Geoversity was published for students and researchers across the disciplines of Geography, the Earth, environmental and social sciences. Emphasis was placed on the publication of original research based on theoretically considered and empirically based investigations undertaken at undergraduate level.

Other description

Specialisms: Biogeography; Climate change; Coastal Geography; Communication of Geography; Environment; Environmental; Relationship of society with Geography, Management, Archaeology (with Holocene pre-history), Reconstruction ( in particular low lattitude regions); Human and or Environmental; Middle East prehistory; Oceanography; Palaeoclimatology; Plant Geography; Qualitative Methodologies; Quaternary Science (general); Soil Sciences.



Swift, Ollie
Gordon-Farleigh, Midas
Rushton, Elisabeth
Bennett, Sophie
Pocock, Cheryl A.
Robinson, Lorna
Reed, Alastair
Hughes, Emma


Editors: Rushton, Lizzie; Pepper, David
Project Leaders: Walkington, Helen

Oxford Brookes departments

Department of Social Sciences


Year: 2022

Published by Oxford Brookes University

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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