Oxford Brookes shortlisted twice for prestigious higher education award

Two initiatives at Oxford Brookes University have been shortlisted for a University Alliance Award.
The annual awards, organised by the University Alliance, recognise individuals or teams who have made an outstanding contribution to professional and technical higher education.
Oxford Brookes’ work around menopause and menstruation and its ‘OxTrail’ collaboration with Sobell House Hospice have both been shortlisted for the Alliance Award.
Menopause and Menstruation
The Menopause and Menstruation (M&M) Group at Oxford Brookes University has been shortlisted for its pioneering work in fostering inclusive dialogue and support around menopause and menstruation.
The group has gone beyond standard university practices by engaging internal staff networks, student groups, and administrative departments to develop a distinctive brand identity for its initiatives, Menopause in the Workplace and Menstrual Equity. They have created dedicated communication channels, a comprehensive website, and resource toolkits that normalise discussions on these topics.
Monthly in-person and online menopause cafes provide spaces for dialogue and support. The University’s Menopause Workplace Pilot, which protects exercise time during work hours for staff experiencing peri/menopause, has also gained recognition from the British Standards Institute and invitations to share the team’s insights in external webinars.
OxTrail collaboration with Sobell House Hospice
Oxford Brookes has also been shortlisted for its impactful collaboration with Sobell House Hospice in Oxford. Oxford Brookes is the official Learning Programme Partner for the OxTrail sculpture trail which is currently on display around Oxfordshire. Featuring life-sized and mini oxen sculptures, Oxford Brookes staff and students worked with Sobell House to create educational content and support the trail's development.
The initiative included the development of Learning Resource Packs which reached over 37,580 young people. The trail's launch event at Oxford Brookes’ Harcourt Hill campus hosted 80 schools and community groups, showcasing the University's commitment to community engagement and support for Sobell House. Three larger oxen and a mini herd are currently on display at the University’s Headington Campus.
The teams involved with both shortlisted projects are invited to the Alliance Awards Ceremony on Tuesday 10 September. Hosted by the University of West London, the evening will include guest speakers, entertainment and dinner.