13. Medical and other evidence

i. All matters relating to exceptional circumstances will be managed in accordance with the University Academic Regulations, Appendix 5 Consideration of Exceptional Circumstances.

ii. A student registered for the award of the Foundation Diploma, the Certificate of Higher Education, the Diploma in Advanced Study, the Graduate Diploma or the Certificate of Associate Study may count only one MS grade to their award. To determine the student’s eligibility for a merit or distinction where appropriate, an average will be calculated on the number of module credits specified in the regulation for the award less one. However, no student may receive a classified award on less than the minimum number stated for the award in Regulation 14(ii).

A student registered for the award of the Diploma of Higher Education, the Diploma of Higher Education in named subjects, the Degree, the Honours Degree or the Integrated Master's may count up to two MS grades to their award. For the purpose of honours classification or to determine eligibility for a merit or distinction, an average will be calculated on the number of module credits specified in the appropriate regulation for the award less the number of MS grades awarded. However, no student may receive an award on less than the minimum number stated for the award in Regulation 14(ii) and no student may be awarded an Honours degree with less than eight graded acceptable module credits.

Note: Students awarded MS grades before the start of September 2010 may count up to four MS grades. All MC grades awarded before the start of September 2010 will be reviewed by the Examination Committee and resolved to a final grade in the light of subsequent academic performance.

iii. In exceptional circumstances, the Examination Committee may allow an extension of a student’s course.