
Principal Investigator(s): Dr Catherine Henshall

Contact: +44 (0)7768 918298

Project start: March 2021

Project finish: May 2022

Funded by: Burdett Trust for Nursing

About us

Resolution (Resilience enhancement online training for nurses in the Covid-19 environment: transitioning from face-to-face to online learning)

The purpose of the study is to pilot a new online tool which aims to foster resilience to some of the clinical and workload pressures that nurses encounter on a daily basis. Many nurses are exposed to challenges in their clinical setting on a daily basis, which often results in them experiencing stress, burnout and decreased satisfaction with their work; this can have a long term impact on the recruitment and retention rate of these nurses. This stress has intensified over the last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The tool being piloted has been adapted from a recent resilience enhancement programme developed for nurses in the UK. By creating an online tool, it is hoped that this intervention will be accessible to more nurses, particularly in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Research impact

The study consists of four phases:

  • Phase 1: a systematic review to examine the effectiveness of online interventions to enhance resilience in healthcare professionals
  • Phase 2: focus groups with nurses to explore the impact of working during Covid-19 on resilience, psychological health and wellbeing. Focus groups will also verify whether core components identified as key to enhancing resilience in our established face to face intervention are transferable to an online format.
  • Phase 3: Development of online resilience enhancement intervention
  • Phase 4: Piloting of online tool on nurses working at Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust 

The project will be nurse led and will empower nurses by equipping them with tools to maintain and enhance their resilience whilst working under challenging pandemic conditions. Most nurses carry a baseline resilience, which enables them to cope with substantial daily stressors. Covid-19 has magnified the need for a nurturing environment for nurses to consolidate their resilience levels and reflect on their nursing roles. Our online tool can enable nurses to feel empowered and recognise the valuable contribution they make to the nursing workforce. The tool has the potential to improve psychological health and wellbeing, as well as nursing retention and recruitment rates. If successfully evaluated, we intend to roll out the online tool nationally.

Anticipated project outcomes include:

  • Publication of systematic review and other papers reporting on the study findings 
  • Design and development of online Covid-19 resilience enhancement intervention for NHS nurses
  • Confirmation of whether the online intervention leads to improvements in nurses’ resilience, psychological health and wellbeing  
  • Successful implementation of the online tool within an NHS setting. The tool will be piloted on nurses working at Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, providing valuable support to nursing staff throughout the project’s duration. 


Professor Andrea Cipriani

Professor of Psychiatry and MIHR Research Professor

University of Oxford

View profile

Zoe Davey

Dr Zoe Davey

Research Fellow

View profile

Catherine L Henshall

Dr Catherine Henshall

Reader in Nursing Research

View profile



Name Role Email
Cynthia Srikesavan Post doctoral researcher