To a greater or lesser extent, all apprenticeships represent partnership working, since they all involve working in partnership with employers. Many also involve working with other providers (either training or employer providers), requiring contracts governing the delivery and management of the apprenticeship to be drawn up.
- For apprenticeships involving aspects of programme delivery or assessment by another provider, form T7.1 must be submitted to LPAG along with the appropriate Collaborative Provision Proposal Form (CPPF). This is most likely to involve members of the Associate College Partnership as the main providers (models A and B in guidance note G7.1).
- Where an existing programme already delivered by that ACP partner is to be used for the Degree Apprenticeship, form T7.1 is sufficient to notify LPAG of the proposed arrangements (there is no need to submit a CPPF). Once LPAG has endorsed a proposal, the apprenticeship programme may proceed to approval through the appropriate process, on the advice of the relevant Faculty’s link Quality Assurance Officer.
Proposals for apprenticeship programmes where Oxford Brookes is the main provider should go through the New Programme Development Process for the development of the business case, in the same way as for other home programmes. Once RAG-NPG has endorsed a proposal for a new apprenticeship where Brookes is the main provider - involving either new or existing in-house provision - the new programme approval process described in the Quality & Standards Handbook should be followed. Where existing home provision is to be modified to the apprenticeship model and to meet employers’ needs, the re-validation process may be adapted to suit the proposed arrangements, on the advice of the Faculty link Quality Assurance Officer.
Guidance note G7.2 provides information for PDTs about developing Degree Apprenticeships and the information that should be submitted to the approval panel. Approval panels should particularly focus on the proposed delivery and assessment arrangements, to ensure that they meet the apprenticeship standard and assessment plan. They should also focus on the management of the employer relationship and satisfy themselves that the planned programme adheres to ESFA funding rules.Those developing apprenticeship programmes and approval panels should take into account that all apprenticeships are subject to Ofsted inspection.