Pre-placement health assessment

Offers of appointment made to external candidates are subject to a health clearance by OH. All people who accept an offer of employment must complete a confidential Pre-placement Health Questionnaire.

Some job roles require further health screening for example, food handlers, grounds and technical staff where on-going health surveillance may be required.

OH also assists managers when considering reasonable adjustments for new starters and who have a disability. A reasonable adjustment is a change to a working arrangement, equipment, physical feature or policy that enables a disabled person to overcome substantial barriers to work.

See the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion website.

If further information is required, the employee will be contacted by the OH Advisor. All questionnaires and other relevant information are confidential to the OH Department. A contract of employment will not be issued until health clearance has been issued to HR.

Access to Pre-placement Health Questionnaires is via the Occupational Health Portal. Instructions about how to access the Portal are sent to employee by HR in the letter of appointment.


Occupational Health Service
Room C132, Wheatley Campus
Wheatley OX33 1HX