Isabella Knatress

BA Media, Journalism and Publishing

Originally, I was going to study photography

And then I fell in love with media and I picked Brookes as one of my top choices at the end of my first year of A-levels. Then going into my second year, my college tutor said that he came to Brookes to do his teaching degree and he told me about his good experience of Brookes. This is one of the only courses that offer all three - media, publishing and journalism. This appealed to me as I could study media and gain skills in other fields that sit closely together. It allows me to explore everything and this made me decide to go down that path. 

I have done a few things that I've absolutely loved so far

One was the history of publishing. It was really interesting and the tutors were wonderful and they helped us understand how to digest a lot of academic texts, which was vitally helpful, especially in the early weeks. Also media ethics and law. I enjoy the legality side of it and I enjoy knowing my rights as a journalist and it's a very valuable skill to have, I feel. And I cannot wait to do data journalism. I don't think many others will say that.

The tutors are some of the most fantastic and well-equipped people                                                                            

isabella-on-campusTo teach us, and it's one of the reasons I chose Brookes over Cardiff. The tutors have and freely share their life experience. They've done all the things that we want to be doing at their age, and they have all of that to teach us how to do it better. This helps us to enjoy the time that we have with them here at Brookes. And some professionals we've met through the seminars and listening to their experiences and understanding how to approach things,  is amazing. And learning to network is so invaluable.

I'm really interested in court journalism 

At the moment; I’ve always had a passion for and interest in wildlife and the environment so I would love to get into nature journalism. I would gladly accept any job to do with that.