Writing retreats and communities

Discover ways to join the growing community of writing practice at Oxford Brookes 

Write Space writing retreats

Write Space writing retreats create a supportive, structured environment within which writers can meet a writing goal.

Whether face-to-face or online the format is the same: writers of any style and level create a sense of community containing plenty of quiet space to make progress with their writing. The group reflects together on the writing process at intervals, and there will be a Centre for Academic Development tutor available for participants to to talk through their work if they wish.

Past participants have described Write Space writing retreats as 'stimulating', 'calm', 'good-spirited', 'constructive' and a 'productive place to work'. Some have been inspired by the experience to start their own writing groups. Perhaps you will too.

Who is it for? 

  • All Oxford Brookes students and staff.

Virtual Write Space retreat dates
  • Thursday 6 June
  • Tuesday 16 July

Headington campus Write Space retreat dates

  • Tuesday 7 May
  • Friday 24 May
  • Friday 28 June
  • Thursday 4 July

Migration and Refugees Network (MRN)

The Migration and Refugees Network (MRN) is hosting a weekly hybrid (both online and in-person) writing group. This will be a friendly and informal session focused on individual writing. We plan to write together and have occasional short discussions on our progress to help motivate the group and build a supportive writing community. PhD students and early career scholars are particularly encouraged. We aim to cultivate a community of people writing on the area of migration/refugees but people with cognate interests are welcome.

This group meets weekly on Wednesday afternoons both at Headington Hill Hall for those who would like to attend in in person as well as online for those who are not able to get to campus. 

In addition to the above, the Migration and Refugees Network is running a two day summer writing retreat on the 25th and 26th June 2024 on the Harcourt Hill Campus (9-5pm both days). This event is open to all. 

Please contact Dr Tamsin Barber (MRN Network Chair) t.barber@brookes.ac.uk for further details of any of the writing retreat activities organised by this group.

Who is it for? 

  • Staff, PhD students and early career scholars


  • Wednesdays, 2:00 - 5:00pm, both in person at Headington Hill Hall and online

School of Education, Humanities and Languages monthly online writing retreats

These writing retreats aim to provide an intensive, but collective and supportive environment in which you can get on with some writing, whether as part of a short-term writing deadline or as part of your thesis. By the end of the session you will have dedicated time to writing in an intensive way and have met other students. And you can work on anything, so long as it’s work: transcription, analysis, reading, organising your notes as well as your chosen means of writing, whether it is on a laptop or on paper. The only rule is to be silent when everyone else is!

Contact Dr Susannah Wright susannahwright@brookes.ac.uk  or Professor Nicole Pohl npohl@brookes.ac.uk for the Google link or with any queries.

Who is it for? 

  • Postgraduates and staff in HSS

Dates for April-July 2024

  • Friday 12 April, 10:00am - 2:00pm
  • Friday 17 May, 10:00am - 2:00pm
  • Friday 14 June, 10:00am - 2:00pm
  • Friday 12 July, 10:00am - 2:00pm

Writing workshops for DNurs Students

Two writing workshops have been planned for students on the DNurs programme this academic year:

  • Writing your methods chapter, 23 March 2024
  • Writing your results and discussion chapters, 22 June 2024

All workshops will take place on campus. 

Please contact Dr Marion Waite mwaite@brookes.ac.uk for more information. 

Who is it for? 

  • DNurs students in years 3,4 and 5


  • Saturday 23 March, 9:00am - 4:00pm
  • Saturday 22 June, 9:00am - 4:00pm

Media, Journalism and Publishing Society

For students wanting to explore developing their skills in writing for a variety of media and meet others with simlar interests.

External writing communities you may wish to explore...

Shut Up and Write!

Meet up online with people from all over the world and then get some writing done.