Comparative Perspectives on Migration Policy Impact: Insights from Ghana and Jordan

Unraveling EU migration policy: Ghana and Jordan perspectives. EFFEXT project insights on regional dynamics, governance, and development.

A border checkpoint on the Ghana-Togo border ( CC: Cathrine Talleraas)
A border checkpoint on the Ghana-Togo border (CC: Cathrine Talleraas)

This seminar offers a deep dive into the intricate effects of EU external migration management policies, contrasting the experiences of Ghana and Jordan. Using the broader analysis of the EFFEXT project as a backdrop, Cathrine Talleraas (Chr. Michelsen Institute) and Zoë Jordan (CENDEP) explore how these policies influence regional migration dynamics, governance, and development in distinct geopolitical contexts of Africa and the Middle East. The seminar will present recent research findings on Ghana's intensified border governance and Jordan's astute navigation of migration control and resourcing under European influence examining the broader implications on local and regional levels. The session aims to foster a nuanced understanding of how migration policies are not only reshaping migration patterns but also affecting socio-economic development and humanitarian efforts in these regions, raising critical questions about the alignment of development and control-oriented policies. This seminar is sponsored by the Jean Monnet Grant and organised by the Migration and Refugees Research Network

About the presenters

Cathrine Talleraas is Senior Researcher at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI).  Her research focuses on migration governance and politics, the links between migration and development, and transnationalism. She holds a PhD in Human Geography from the University of Oslo, and is project leader of the project "Effects of Externalisation: EU Migration Management in Africa and the Middle East" (EFFEXT).

Zoe Jordan is a Senior Lecturer at Oxford Brookes University and researcher at the Centre for Development and Emergency Practice. Her research interests are in forced migration and humanitarianism, with a focus on how displaced populations respond to and manage their displacement in protracted and urban contexts. Zoe is project researcher for the EFFEXT project. 

About the EFFEXT project

The project investigates the effects of the EU’s external migration management across six countries: Jordan, Lebanon, Ethiopia, Senegal, Ghana, and Libya. By examining these diverse settings, the project highlights differences in governance, state capacity, and migration contexts, providing a comprehensive landscape of migration policy impacts in Africa and the Middle East. The project is funded by NordForsk (95288).

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JHB 205 and online (hybrid event), John Henry Brookes Building, Gipsy Lane, Headington

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