Creative Industries Festival: Academic career interventions & becoming editors of Makings journal
Journal publishing can be more creative and empowering than you might think. Early career researchers share what it was like to become co-editors of the Creative Industries journal Makings.

As postgraduate students and early career researchers we often face challenges in navigating opportunities for skills development and positioning ourselves in our field. In this session, Kateryna Sivak and Vincent Obia will talk about their experience of becoming co-editors of the Creative Industries journal ‘Makings’ and collaborating with academics and practitioners. Due to the fluid boundaries of the journal and the field itself, the role as editors opened up opportunities to actively participate in shaping the future field they seek to work in. Author, filmmaker and educator Saba Karim Khan will discuss her experience of contributing to the Studio section and share thoughts on how such platform as Makings can be of value not only for academics but also for creatives and professionals outside of academia. With the editors of Makings journal and practitioners who contributed to the journal issues.