Write Space in-person retreat
Writers of any style, subject and level come together in beautiful surroundings with a shared aim: to create a sense of community around this calm space in order to make progress with writing.

After several years of successful online retreats, this year we are offering in-person writing retreats as well, in the beautiful surroundings of Headington Hill Hall. The format is the same: writers of any style and level create a sense of community containing plenty of quiet space to make progress with their writing. Staff and students reflects together on their writing process at intervals, and there will be a Centre for Academic Development tutor available to talk your work through with.
In participants' words, Write Space is a stimulating, calm, good-spirited, constructive and productive place to work; you might also get ideas for how to start a writing group yourself.
For details of our other retreats, see: Writing retreats and communities.