World Menopause Month - In-person Yoga Sessions
Exclusively for World Menopause Month, we’re holding four staff-only, in-person yoga sessions.

Exclusively for World Menopause Month, we’re holding four staff-only, in-person yoga sessions.
1)Tuesday 3 October, 9.30am -10.30am
2)Tuesday 10 October, 9.30am -10.30am
3)Tuesday 17 October, 9.30am -10.30am
4)Tuesday 24 October, 9.30am -10.30am
Dance Studio, Oxford Brookes Sport, Headington Campus, OX3 0BP (next to Cheney Student Village)
Yoga For Peri Menopause, Menopause and Post Menopause
Stress is one of the key factors that can exacerbate peri menopause and
menopause symptoms. 'Yoga for Menopause' is specifically geared towards
creating a space where relaxation, gentle stretching and slowing the breath
down are encouraged. These practices have a direct impact on reducing stress
in the body and mind making them essential components in reducing
menopausal symptoms.
Peri menopause and menopause is a time where so much is changing in our lives,
mostly lead by our fluctuating hormones that affect us on many levels, from our
moods and emotions, to how we feel physically. The menopause changes us
from the inside out. It can make us feel disconnected from ourselves.
'Yoga for Menopause' can help us to anchor and be present, with patience and
kindness, to how we feel. It creates the space for insight, growth and with that, a
potential for feeling more at ease.
The menopause can be seen aa an opportunity too ‘move into wholeness’ where
we can start to discover a new voice, sense of purpose, create boundaries, stay
connected to our passions and joy, and the importance of rest.
If we can start to understand how we are changing, using Yoga to bring this
awareness. We can begin to be less fearful of the changes and actually start to
feel the power behind the transformation that is happening.