A world without CREATIVITY
A talk on exploring your inner creativity and careers in the creative industries by Dr James Cateridge.
Are you a ‘creative’ person? If so, how does this shape your life? You may make things or even create art as a hobby or to feel part of a community. You may dream of a so-called ‘creative’ career which would be emotionally satisfying and enriching. Or you may have a job which is outside of the recognised ‘creative industries’ but which is intensely creative and rewarding for you. In this talk we explore the notion of ‘creativity’ as an essential element of our personal and professional lives, and discuss postgraduate study as a key to unlock your inner 'creative'.
Want to learn more? Do you have questions you want to ask our Creative Industries expert? Sign up now!
This event is part of a series called "A world without..."
Can you imagine a world without the arts? What would our civilisation look like without books, stories, films or plays? How would we learn about human society, culture and relations, pass knowledge to future generations and ensure our survival?
The Creative Industries Research and Innovation Network (CIRIN) at Oxford Brookes University invites you to explore the value of the subjects nurturing creativity, sharpening problem-solving skills, cultivating empathy, enhancing critical thinking, and contributing to a deeper understanding of the human experience, which enriches our perspective on the world.
Join us in January 2024 to celebrate a world WITH the key disciplines that have shaped history, culture and society as we know them!
Each online event will include a taster session from a different discipline and a wider conversation about the world-leading place of Oxford Brookes in the specific field.
Learn from our esteemed experts, teachers and researchers, and become inspired to follow in their footsteps!