Dr Ian Scott
Associate Dean Student Experience
Ian has been Associate Dean for Student Experience within the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences since March 2013.
Ian’s first degree was in Applied Biology before progressing onto gaining his Ph.D. in Avian Ecology and Physiology from Durham University. Ian’s first teaching post at was at Suffolk College, where he taught Physiology, before moving on to lecture Ecology at De Montfort University. Research interests in aspects of Pedagogy and work based learning led to a position at City University. Ian is particularly interested in mentorship, and learning in non-formal environments.
Projects as Co-investigator
- Evaluation of intervention to support nursing students at risk of leaving the programme(27/03/2023 - 26/09/2024), funded by: Health Education England, funding amount received by Brookes: £38,536, funded by: Health Education England
Journal articles
Konstantinidi Pereira A, Scott I, 'Is the inclusion of first-year assessment in the calculation of GPA deleterious to students from a widening participation background?'
Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 25 (1) (2020) pp.24-33
ISSN: 1360-3108 eISSN: 1460-7018AbstractPublished here Open Access on RADARThe use of grade point average (GPA) as a means to summarise learning is a novel practice in the UK. The aim of this study was to determine if the inclusion of assessment results from student’s first-year of study in the calculation of GPA is deleterious to students from a widening participation (WP) background. Assessment marks of full-time undergraduate students were investigated using statistical modelling. The inclusion of the assessment outcomes from the first-year of studies in the calculation of GPA was significantly beneficial to Black, Asian and minority ethnic and mature students on their overall GPA. It was also not disadvantageous to
any group of WP students. Our analysis highlighted how the traditional UK degree classification system, as used by Oxford Brookes University, tends to magnify the presentation of the difference in learning achieved by different groups of students when compared to that shown by the GPA or raw marks. -
Evans C, Nguyen T, Richardson M and Ian Scott, 'Managing the transition from undergraduate to taught postgraduate study: perceptions of international students studying in the UK'
Research in Post-Compulsory Education 23 (2) (2018) pp.249-265
ISSN: 1359-6748 eISSN: 1747-5112AbstractThis article explores the perceptions of international students studying in the UK regarding their transition from undergraduate to postgraduate study, the challenges they faced in the process and the factors that supported that transition. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 44 taught international postgraduate students at a UK university. It was found that students initially struggled with the academic demands of the course, particularly the ability to integrate critical thinking into written submissions. Consequently, students looked to develop peer support networks. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of the findings for universities, particularly concerning pre-course preparation and ongoing structured support.Published here -
Prøitz TS, Havnes A, Briggs M, Scott I, 'Learning outcomes in professional contexts in higher education'
European Journal of Education 52 (1) (2017) pp.31-43
ISSN: 0141-8211 eISSN: 1465-3435AbstractWith the policy of developing a, transparent and competitive European higher education sector learning outcomes (LOs) are attributed a foundation stone role in policy and curriculum development. A premise for the implementation of LOs is that they bear fundamentally similar, meaning across national, institutional or professional/disciplinary contexts. In contrast detractors, suggest that LOs cannot communicate precisely across programmes or national boundaries. With this as a backdrop, this investigation analyse how LOs are used to communicate what students are to learn and the extent to which the use of LOs drives standardisation. The analysis is based on a case study of how LOs are formulated in study programme documents in two professional education programmes in Norway and the UK. The findings of the study indicate that LOs can be considered to drive standardisation through the same presentation using bullet points and therefore on the surface being presented in a standardised form. The study also finds that LOs are framed in varied ways in the two countries and within the different study programmes and in a web of interconnected documents, this ‘local’ structural usage of LOs disrupts the ‘foundation stone’ role of the LO as a vehicle for standardisation and weakens the establishment of sameness across institutions and nations.Published here Open Access on RADAR
Other publications
Significant Publications
- Scott, I. & Mazhindu, D. (2014) Statistics for health care professionals: An introduction (2 nd Edition) SAGE, London.
- Scott, I & Spouce, J. (2013) Practice-based learning in Health and Social Care, Blackwell- Wiley, Oxford
- Ely, C. & Scott, I. (2007) Essential Study Skills for Nursing. Mosby Elsevier, Edinburgh.
- Scott, I. & Mazhindu, D. (2005) Statistics for health care professionals: An introduction SAGE, London. – also translated into Korean.
Peer reviewed papers and book chapters
- Scott, I. (2015) The best teaching in the world (probably). Research Intelligence, 128 pp 25-28.
- Scott, I. (2015) Editorial: Higher Education Institutional Research Network Conference Special Edition: From Evidence to Policy.are we any closer Brooks e-Journal of Learning and Teaching 7(2) December http://bejlt.brookes.ac.uk/issue/vol-7-issue-2-december-2015/.
- Scott, I. (2015) Innovations in Work-Based Learning, York, HEA. (https://www.heacademy.ac.uk/innovations-work-based-learning)
- Russell, K. Walsh, D. Scott, I. McIntosh, T. (2013) Effecting change in midwives water birth practice behaviours on labour ward: An action research study. Midwifery,doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2011.03.031.
- Tymms, M. Peters, J. and Scott, I. (2013) Personal Development Planning: Pedagogy and the Politicisation of the Personal, Research in Post-compulsory education 18(3) pp 257 -268.
- Scott, I. and Martin, J. (2012) To understand and successfully utilise the learning outcome in Higher Education, must we first destroy it? Quality and Trust and the heart of what we do Selected papers from the 6th European Quality Forum. European Universities Association, Brussels.
- Scott, I. Russel, K. Lorraine. W. and Upton, P. (2012) An evaluation of a programme of lunchtime staff/student engagement seminars in two discipline areas: was it worth it? In Compendium of effective practice in higher education retention and success. York, HEA.
- Evans, C. Gbadamosi, G, Wells, J. and Scott, I. (2012) Balancing the Ying and the Yang, Degrees in accountancy. Industry and Higher Education 26(1) pp1-8.
- Scott, I. (2011) The Learning Outcome in Higher Education: Time to think again? Worcester Journal of Learning and Teaching. Vol 5 [available at http://www.worc.ac.uk/adpu/1124.htm].
- Scott, I., Takavarasha, C. and Thompson, S. (2010-2011) Developing leaders through Work-Based Learning, back-casting and partnership. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education 4-2, pp146-150.
- Scott, I (2010) But I know that already: rhetoric or reality the accreditation of prior experiential learning in the context of work-based learning. Research in Post-compulsory education 15, pp19- 31.
- Scott, I. (2010) Accreditation of prior learning in pre-registration nursing programmes 2: The influence of prior qualifications on perceived learning during the foundation year. Nurse Education Today 27, 4 pp348-356.
- Scott, I & Ely, C. (2008) Learning how to study effectively, In Common Foundation Studies in Nursing. J. Spouce, C. Cox, and C. Cook (eds). Edinburgh Livingstone Churchill Elsevier.
- Scott, I (2007) Accreditation of Prior Learning in Pre-registration Nursing Programmes: Throwing the baby out with the bath water? Nurse Education Today, 27, pp348-256.
- Scott, I., Fuller, I. and Gaskin, S. (2006) Lecturers’ perceptions of Geography and Environmental Science Fieldwork in the light of restricted access to the field caused by foot and mouth disease in the UK in 2001. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 30, (1) pp161-171.
- Scott, I. (2005) Accreditation of Prior Learning in a Nurse Education Programme in On becoming a productive university, J. Miller & J. Groccia (Eds) Anker Publishing, Boston MA
- Martin, A & Scott, I. (2003) The effectiveness of the UK Landfill tax, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 46, (3) pp. 673-689.
- Scott, I. (2003) Is biological science difficult for first-year students or do we simply need more information? A response to why is biological science difficult for first-year nursing students? Nurse Education Today, 23, pp155-156.
- Fuller, I., Gaskin, S., Scott, I. (2003) Student perceptions of geography and environmental science fieldwork in the light of restricted access to the field, caused by foot and mouth disease in the UK in 2001. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 27, pp79-102
- Scott, I., Mitchell, P.I., Selman, C. and Evans, P.R. (2001) Using Total Body Electrical Conductivity to measure the body composition of vertebrates. In Non-invasive techniques to measure body composition of animals. (Ed Speakman J.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- Mitchell, P.I., Scott, I., and Evans, P.R. (2000) Vulnerability to severe weather and regulation of body mass of Icelandic and British Redshank Tringatotanus. Journal of Avian Biology, 31, pp511-521.
- Hamer, K.C., Hill, J.K. & Scott, I. (1999) Chick provisioning and parental attendance in Cory’s shearwaters: implications for nestling obesity. Journal of Avian Biology, 30, pp309-315.
- Williams, T.D., Monaghan, P. Mitchell, P.I., Scott, I., Houston, D.G., Ramsey, S. and Ensor, K. (1997) Evaluation of a non-destructive method for determining egg composition using total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC) measurements. Journal of Zoology, 243(3), pp611-622.
- Mitchell, P.I., Scott, I. and Evans, P.R. (1996) Is moult an indicator of Population turnover in Redshank (Tringatotanus) in Autumn. Ringing and Migration, 17(2), pp93-100.
- Scott, I., Mitchell, P.I. and Evans, P.R. (1996) How does variation in body composition effect the basal metabolic rates of shorebirds. Functional Ecology, 10, pp307-313.
- Scott I., Mitchell P.I. & Evans P.R. (1996) The reliability of fat scores as predictors of the mass of fat carried by individual birds. Ardea, 83, pp359-363.
- Scott I., Mitchell P.I., & Evans P.R. (1994) Seasonal change in body mass, body composition and food requirements in wild migratory birds. Proceedings of the Nutritional Society, 53, pp503-513.
- Scott I., & Evans P.R. (1992) The metabolic output of avian (Sturnus vulgaris, Calidris alpina) adipose tissue liver and skeletal muscle: implications for BMR/Body mass relationships. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology,103A, (2) pp329-332.
- Scott I., Grant M., & Evans P.R. (1991) Estimation of fat-free mass of live-birds: use of total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC) measurements in studies of single species in the field. Functional Ecology, 5, pp314-320.