Professor Janine Dermody
Professor in Marketing and Consumer Psychology
Oxford Brookes Business School
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Journal articles
Zhao AL, Dermody J, Koenig-Lewis N, Hanmer-Lloyd S, Cultivating sustainable consumption: The role of harmonious cultural values and pro-environmental self-identity
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 23 (2) (2023) pp.1014-1031 ISSN: 1472-0817 eISSN: 1479-1838 Cultivating sustainable consumption: The role of harmonious cultural values and pro-environmental self-identity Open Access version on RADAR -
Campera M, Budiadi B, Bušina T, Fathoni BH, Dermody J, Nijman V, Imron MA, Nekaris KAI, Abundance and richness of invertebrates in shade‑grown versus sun‑exposed coffee home gardens in Indonesia
Agroforestry Systems 96 (2022) pp.829-841 ISSN: 0167-4366 eISSN: 1572-9680 Abundance and richness of invertebrates in shade‑grown versus sun‑exposed coffee home gardens in Indonesia Open Access version on RADAR -
Dermody J, Zhao L, Koenig‐Lewis N, Hanmer‐Lloyd S, Evaluating the Challenge of China’s Crossverging Young "Enviro-Materialists"
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 20 (3) (2020) pp.695-708 ISSN: 1472-0817 eISSN: 1479-1838 Evaluating the Challenge of China’s Crossverging Young "Enviro-Materialists" Open Access version on RADAR -
Dermody J, Nagase Y, Berger W, Theorizing self-repairers’ worldview-personhood to advance new thinking on extended product lifetimes
International Journal of Consumer Studies 44 (5) (2020) pp.435-444 ISSN: 1470-6423 eISSN: 1470-6431 Theorizing self-repairers’ worldview-personhood to advance new thinking on extended product lifetimes Open Access version on RADAR -
Dermody J, Koenig-Lewis N, Zhao L, Hanmer-Lloyd S, Critiquing a Utopian idea of Sustainable Consumption: A Post-Capitalism Perspective
Journal of Macromarketing 41 (4) (2020) pp.626-645 ISSN: 0276-1467 eISSN: 1552-6534 Critiquing a Utopian idea of Sustainable Consumption: A Post-Capitalism Perspective Open Access version on RADAR -
Dermody J, Koenig-Lewis N, Zhao A, Hanmer-Lloyd S., Appraising the influence of pro-environmental self-identity on sustainable consumption buying and curtailment in emerging markets: evidence from China and Poland
Journal of Business Research 86 (2017) pp.333-343 ISSN: 0148-2963 eISSN: 1873-7978 Appraising the influence of pro-environmental self-identity on sustainable consumption buying and curtailment in emerging markets: evidence from China and Poland Open Access version on RADAR -
Dermody J, A Fantastical Exploration of the Colour of Magic in Political Advertising: Discourse with a Wizard
The Marketing Review 16 (2) (2016) pp.215-232 ISSN: 1469-347X -
Dermody J, Hanmer-Lloyd S, Koenig-Lewis N, Zhao A L, Advancing sustainable consumption in the UK and China: The mediating effect of pro-environmental self-identity
Journal of Marketing Management 31 (13/14) (2015) pp.1472-1502 ISSN: 0267-257X eISSN: 1472-1376 Advancing sustainable consumption in the UK and China: The mediating effect of pro-environmental self-identity Open Access version on RADAR -
Dermody J, Hanmer-Lloyd S, Koenig-Lewis N, Zhao A L, Young British partisan attitudes to negative election campaign advertising: a tri-party perspective
Journal of Political Marketing 15 (4) (2015) pp.333-361 ISSN: 1537-7857 Young British partisan attitudes to negative election campaign advertising: a tri-party perspective Open Access version on RADAR -
Dermody J, Hanmer-Lloyd S, Koenig-Lewis N, Zhao A L, Young British partisans’ and non-voters’ processing of attack election advertising and the implications for marketing politics
Journal of Marketing Management 30 (9/10) (2014) pp.974-1005 ISSN: 0267-257X eISSN: 1472-1376 -
Koenig-Lewis N, Palmer A, Dermody J, Urbye A, Consumers' evaluations of ecological packaging : Rational and emotional approaches
Journal of Environmental Psychology 37 (2014) pp.94-105 ISSN: 0272-4944 -
Dermody J, Hanmer-Lloyd S, An introspective, retrospective, futurespective analysis of the 2010 British general election advertising campaign
Journal of Marketing Management 27 (7/8) (2011) pp.736-761 ISSN: 0267-257X -
Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S. and Scullion, R., Young people and voting behaviour: Alienated youth and (or) an interested and critical citizenry?
European Journal of Marketing (2010) ISSN: 0309-0566 -
Lai, A.L. and Dermody, J., Cannibal or Commodity Fetish: Body as Material Interaction
Association for Consumer Research (2009) -
Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S. and Scullion, R., Shopping for Civic values: Exploring the Emergence of Civic Consumer Culture in Contemporary Western Society
Association for Consumer Research (2009) -
Lai, A.L., Dermody, J. and Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Exploring Cadaveric Organ Donation: A "Mortal Embodiment" Perspective
Journal of Marketing Management (2007) ISSN: 0267-257X eISSN: 1472-1376 -
Dermody, J. and Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Promoting Distrust? A Chronicle of the 2005 British General Election Advertising Campaigns
Journal of Marketing Management (2005) ISSN: 0267-257X eISSN: 1472-1376 -
Dermody J, Hanmer-Lloyd S, Safeguarding the future of democracy: (re)building young people’s trust in parliamentary politics
Journal of Political Marketing (2005) ISSN: 1537-7857 -
Scullion, R. and Dermody, J., The Value of Party Election Broadcasts for Electoral Engagement: A Content Analysis of the 2001 British General Election Campaign
International Journal of Advertising (2005) ISSN: 0265-0487 -
Dermody, J. and Scullion, R., Young people’s attitudes towards British political advertising: nurturing or impeding voter engagement?
Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing (special issue on current issues in political marketing) (2005) -
Dermody, J. and Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Segmenting Youth Voting Behaviour through Trusting-Distrusting Relationships: A Conceptual Approach
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing (2004) ISSN: 1465-4520 -
Dermody J, Scullion R, Exploring the consequences of negative political advertising for liberal democracy
Journal of Political Marketing (2003) ISSN: 1537-7857 -
Dermody, J. and Scullion, R., Facing the Future: Young People’s Awareness of the 2001 British General Election Advertising Campaigns
Journal of Public Affairs (2003) ISSN: 1472-3891 -
Dermody, J. and Scullion, R., An Exploration of the Advertising Ambitions and Strategies of the 2001 British General Election
Journal of Marketing Management (2001) ISSN: 0267-257X -
Dermody, J. and Scullion, R., Delusions of grandeur? : Marketing’s contribution to "meaningful" Western political consumption
European Journal of Marketing (2001) ISSN: 0309-0566 -
Dermody, J. and Scullion, R., Perceptions of Negative Political Advertising: Meaningful or Menacing? An Empirical Study of the 1997 British General Election Campaign
International Journal of Advertising (2000) ISSN: 0265-0487 eISSN: 1759-3948
Book chapters
Dermody J, Political Party Advertising and Marketing Strategies in the 2015 UK Election
in Lilliker D, Pack M (ed.), Political Marketing and the 2015 UK General Election., Palgrave Macmillan (2016) ISBN: 978-1-137-58439-7 eISBN: 978-1-137-58440-3 Political Party Advertising and Marketing Strategies in the 2015 UK Election Open Access version on RADAR -
Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N. and Zhao, A.L., Attack Advertising as an Agent of British Youth Political Disempowerment? A Review of Evidence
in Scullion, R., Jackson, D., Lilleker, D. and Gerodimos, R. (ed.), Agents of (Dis)Empowerment: Media and Civic Engagement., Routledge (2013) -
Dermody, J. and Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Promoting Distrust? A Chronicle of the 2005 British General Election Advertising Campaigns
in Baines, P. (ed.), Political Marketing (volumes I-III), SAGE Library in Marketing (2011) -
Dermody, J. and Hanmer-Lloyd, S., 21st Century British Youth: Politically Alienated or an Engaged Critical Citizenry?
in Lester T. Kane and Marylyn R. Poweller (ed.), Citizenship in the 21st Century., Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (2008) -
Dermody, J. and Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Consuming Elections? An Analysis of Youth (Non)Voting Behaviour
in Lilleker, D. and Scullion, R. (ed.), Voters or Consumers: Imagining the contemporary electorate, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2008) -
Dermody J, Hanmer-Lloyd S, A Marketing Analysis of the 2005 General Election Advertising Campaigns
in Lilliker DG, Jackson NA, Scullion R (ed.), The Marketing of Political Parties: Political Marketing at the 2005 British General Election, Manchester University Press (2006)
Conference papers
Dermody J, Hanmer-Lloyd S, Koenig-Lewis N, Zhao A L, Investigating Sustainable Consumption Behaviour among American and Chinese Consumers
(2016) -
Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N., Zhao, A.Z., A Magical Mystery Tour Exploring Sustainable Consumption Behaviour amongst British and Chinese Consumers.
(2015) -
Dermody, J., The Colour of Magic in Political Advertising: White Enchantment or Black Arts?
(2015) -
Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N., Zhao, A.L., Are Young Britons Politically Alienated or Critically Engaged? An Examination of Empirical Evidence
(2014) -
Dermody, J., Hanmer-Lloyd, S., Koenig-Lewis, N., Zhao, A.L., Towards a Fuller Understanding of Young British Consumers (Non)Sustainable Consumption Behaviour: a Multi-Construct Exploratory Study
Other publications
Dermody J, Chatterjee I, Food Glorious Food, Fried Bugs and Mustard! Exploring the Radical Idea of Entomophagy in Advancing Sustainable Consumption to Protect the Planet,
(2016) -
Chatterjee I, Dermody J, Neuro-marketing Disgusting Dung Beetles And Repugnant Roaches
(2016) -
Dermody J, Van der Veen R, Public Engagement In Clinical Research: Public Awareness, Attitudes & Communication Preferences In The Thames Valley & South Midlands Region,
(2016) -
, KTP with Company partner - Symetrica Security Ltd,