Katerina Kosta is a Lecturer and PhD candidate funded by the Oxford Brookes 150 Anniversary Scholarship award. Her research explores environmental sustainability in higher education with a focus on sustainability reporting.
Prior to joining Oxford Brookes, Katerina worked for the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC), where she co-authored a guidebook on sustainability assessment and reporting tools for the UK tertiary education sector. In 2016, she participated in the judging panel for the Sustainability Reporting category of the prestigious Green Gown Awards alongside PwC, while in March 2017 she received a Best Paper Award at the conference Implementing Sustainability in the Curriculum of Universities at MMU.
Katerina is subject representative for CSR at the International Ecolinguistics Association and steering committee member. She acts as a reviewer for the International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education and the Language and Ecology journal. Her work has been published at the Encyclopedia of Sustainability in Higher Education and the Springer World Sustainability Series.
Teaching and supervision
Holding an MSc in Educational Research by the University of Exeter, Katerina currently teaches on the Research Methods modules across the Business School. Her research on sustainability and CSR is strongly linked with the Environmentally Sustainable Business module, where she is a Module Leader. She has previously worked for five years as an Associate Lecturer in higher education and is a qualified English language teacher (BA English Language and Literature and Qualified Teacher Status by the National College for Teaching and Leadership).
Other modules taught include:
- Ethics in Business
- Organisational Behaviour and Management
- Business in Society
- Sustainability curriculum coverage in sustainability reports of UK universities. University of Hamburg. Paper presented at the Hamburg Sustainable Development Summit 2017. 26-29 Sept 2017
- Sustainability curriculum in UK university sustainability reports. Manchester Metropolitan University. Paper presented at the symposium Implementing Sustainability in the curriculum of universities. 7 Mar 2017
- Sustainability in higher education reported. Canterbury Christ Church University. Paper presented at the conference Sustainability in Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities. 6-7 Jul 2016
- The future of sustainability reporting. University of the West of England. Joint presentation at 20th Annual EAUC Conference. Co-presenters: Andy Sheppard, Senior Consultant ARUP; Hassan Waheed, Researcher and Iain Patton, Chief Executive EAUC. 25-26 May 2016
- Exploring the views of postgraduates on higher education sustainability. Plymouth University. Paper presented at the PedRIO conference Education for Sustainability in Higher Education; Achievements and Prospects. 8 Jan 2015
- Assessing student engagement in sustainability; a comparison of the Green League and STARS (Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System). University of Bristol. Paper presented at the international symposium Learning from the Sharp End - Implications for Sustainability in Higher Education. 8 Sep 2015
Further details
Teaching Excellence Award 2020, Category: Creative Teaching
Issued by Oxford Brookes Students Union · Dec 2020