Mr Lindsey Coombes
Associate Lecturer
Oxford School of Nursing and Midwifery

Lindsey has been teaching in the department since 1989 and taught a wide range of modules in mental health nursing and other subjects. His main clinical interests are in the field of law and ethics in mental health particularly in relation to older people and this was the focus of his research whilst doing his MA in Philosophy at Cardiff University.
Lindsey's most recent research interests have been in the field of substance misuse and he has conducted a number of studies mostly focusing on drug and alcohol issues and young people. He has been researching the Stengthening Families Programme (SFP)10-14 (UK), training people to facilitate the programme and delivering the programme to families in the UK and other countries.
Lindsey was the co-director of My Strong Family Centre (MSFC) a knowledge transfer centre, which aims to prevent teenage substance misuse and other behaviour problems, strengthen parenting skills and build family strengths in the communities served through delivery of the SFP10-14 (UK) and other evidence based programmes.
Area of expertise
- Substance misuse and young people
- Research methods
- Safeguarding and young people
- Parenting
- Law and ethics