Professor Liz Browne
Professor of Education
School of Education, Humanities and Languages

Dr Liz Browne is a Professor of Education working in the Centre for Educational Consultancy and Development (CECD). As an educationalist she has held senior posts in a number of secondary schools and in the Further Education sector. Whilst working at Oxford Brookes University she has managed the quality assurance of a national quality improvement programme for the Further Education sector, working on behalf of the DfE. She was successful in bidding for funding to create a Centre for Excellence in Teacher Training and managed the Centre between 2008 and 2014.
Liz is an active researcher having articles published in prestigious journals on issues such as data management, the early years standards, ICT and student voice. Her work is now focused on international partnership, delivering training in China and to visiting academics from China, Saudi Arabia and Russia.
Teaching and supervision
Modules taught
- Education and Work
- Leading and Working in Teams
Dr Browne has extensive experience of supporting research students to successful completion of high level research projects and would be very pleased to talk with you about your research proposals. In addition she has experience of successful bid writing particularly in relation to knowledge transfer and consultancy opportunities and would welcome the opportunity to explore joint bid writing opportunities.
Academic and research interests
- Education Policy and Change
- ICT Pedagogy
- Cyber-ethnography
- Enterprise and Business Education
Professional information
National and international conference presentations
- 2014 Paper accepted for the New Zealand Educational Research Conference May:2014
- 2013 International Society for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (ISLTHE) in USA: October: 2013-
- 2011 Auckland University of Technology invited speaker to present at a research conference on educational mentoring
- 2007 Conference presentation Institute of Cybernetics paper entitled ‘Cyber-ethnography, the research method for the 21st century’ USA
- 2008 Conference presentation for the International Society for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (ISLTHE) Philadelphia:USA (also Editorial Board member for the Journal published by this organisation)
- 2007 International Education Transformation Conference Augusta, USA: Training for Transformation
- 2003 International Medical Health Conference, Burne, Switzerland -CD Rom delivery of Medical Pedagogy
UK conference presentations
- 2014 Keynote speaker: Edge Hill Conference on Education Reform (March:2014)
- 2012 Keynote speaker: Presidential Conference of the Institute for Learning
- 2011 Quality Assurance Association conference at Aston University
- 2010 CETT annual conference – Westminster University Keynote address
- 2009 Teaching and Learning Research Programme: Greenwich University Enterprising Colleges
- 2009 CETT National Conference: Eden Project Sustaining Quality in Challenging Times
- 2008 Quality Improvement Agency Conference: Warwick Coaching for Performance
- 2006 Centre for Excellence in Leadership: The Belfry Hotel: Are we ready for reform?
- 2004 Learning and Skills Development Agency: Queen Elizabeth Centre: London -Success for All
- 2002 Institute of Technology: Sheffield University- Beyond Our Wildest Dreams -ICT in learning and teaching
- 1999 Learning and Skills Development Agency: Warwick University The Management of Change using ICT to support Inclusion and Widen Participation
- 2000 British Education Research Association: Cardiff University- Oh to be a learner now the learning age is here
Conference organisation
- 2013 Member of a team organising the School of Education Research conference
- 2012 School of Education Internal Research Conference
- 2011 CETT Annual Conference
- 2010 CETT Annual Conference
- 2009 CETT Annual Conference:
- 2008 Oxford Brookes Conference on 14-19 Education – keynote address
- 2008 National Education Transformation Question Time: Organiser
- 2008 International Baccalaureate: Organiser and welcome on behalf of the Private and State School Partnership
- 2007 CETT launch: Organiser and Keynote speaker
- 2005 Oxford Brookes Conference on the Learning and Skills Reform Agenda: organiser and welcome speech on behalf of ESCalate
- 2003 Oxford Brookes University Conference on Foundation Degrees: organiser and welcome speech on behalf of ESCalate.
Further details
Other experience
Liz Browne started her career in schools in Wiltshire and Somerset moving quickly to become a deputy head of a large comprehensive school before taking a career break to bring up her children. She returned to permanent employment work as a lecturer in a Further Education College where she worked part time until becoming a Head of Department and later Head of School.
In 1999 she was appointed to Oxford Brookes University as a lecturer in the Sociology of Education. Over the last ten years she has held a number of roles as:
- Head of Lifelong Learning
- Director of Secondary and Post-compulsory Education
- Director of Knowledge Transfer and Consultancy and Head of Quality.
- Head of Quality Assurance, Quality Enhancement and Validations
In addition she is Director of the Westminster Centre for Excellence in Teacher Training and the governor of a local Primary School.
Find out more
Professor Liz Browne is head of the Centre of Education Consultancy and Development and co-research lead for the Policy, Partnership and Leadership research group. Her research interests are in the area of educational policy and leadership and she has worked on a number of consultancy projects with national organisations working in the Further Education and Skills sector. Recently her interest in leadership and management has involved Liz in working with the Education and Training Foundation to evaluate a range of management projects and to report on the management training requirements for the FE and Skills sector. Liz is experienced in supervising doctoral students and has examined a number of PhDs and Education Doctorates in the UK and abroad. She is currenlty researching the impact of policy change to the introduction of the New Maths Curriculum and investigating the impact of the increase use of data on the experience of Higher Education students. She is also interested in the changing nature of teacher training resultant from government policy adjustment to the way teachers are trained. Professor Browne is a governor of an Ofsted rated 'Outstanding' Primary School.