Mrs Lorraine Whatley
BSc Adult Nursing; MSc Clinical Education; RN; PG Cert ICU Nursing; NMC Nurse Teacher.
Senior Lecturer Simulation and Immersive Learning Technology

I work across the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences advancing Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning within the healthcare programmes. I have a particular interest in Simulation Based Education and how it can be used to develop individuals and teams to deliver safe effective practice. I consult with programme teams to develop their portfolio of simulation based education and consider how they might utilise new innovative technologies to support their educational delivery.
I am a registered nurse and my background is in critical care nursing and some time spent working as a Resuscitation Practitioner. I am an instructor for the Resuscitation Council UK on their Immediate Life Support (ILS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS) courses. In December 2021 I finished my MSc in Clinical Education.
Teaching and supervision
I work across the faculty and advise on simulation based education which spans across all healthcare courses. I also supervise Postgraduate Masters dissertations.
I undertook a literature review for my MSc dissertation which considered: “What are the experiences of pre-registration student nurses when a digital approach is used for the teaching and learning of procedural skills?”
Furthermore, I am interested in the use of simulation based education to promote interprofessional teamworking. My research interests going forward will focus upon workforce development needs, interprofessional collaboration, and learning through simulated practice.
Professional information
Memberships of professional bodies
- British Association of Critical Care Nurses (BACCN) Conference 2014, Royal College of Music and Drama, Cardiff: Learning through Simulation: an education programme for nurses new to critical care.
Conference presentations:
Buchanan, C. and Whatley, L. (2014) ‘Learning through Simulation: an education programme for nurses new to critical care’, Developing a leading edge in Critical Care: Frontline leadership, innovation and practice: British Association of Critical Care Nurses (BACCN) 29th Annual Conference. Royal College of Music and Drama, Cardiff, 8-9 September 2014, pp 64-65.
Evans, L., French, C., Hartland, J., Whatley L. (2017) ‘Inter-professional palliative care simulation from diagnosis to death’, Working together, impacts and challenges: Brookes Teaching and Learning Conference. Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, 14 June 2017.
Hartland, J. and Whatley, L. (2017) ‘The Challenges of running inter-professional simulation: Learning from experience’, Diversity in Medical Education: about people, for people, by people: The Association for the study of Medical Education. University of Exeter, Exeter, 21-23 June 2017.
Further details
Collaborator on the following article:
- Courtenay M, Castro-Sánchez E, Gallagher R, Gould D, Hawker C; Nurse Antimicrobial Stewardship Group. Delivery of antimicrobial stewardship competencies in UK pre-registration nurse education programmes: a national cross-sectional survey. J Hosp Infect. 2022 Mar; 121:39-48. doi: 10.1016/j.jhin.2021.09.027. Epub 2021 Nov 25. Erratum in: J Hosp Infect. 2022 Apr 25;: PMID: 34838589.