Dr Patrick Farmer
BA (Hons) Sound Art, MA Sonic Art, PhD Auditory Knowledge
Lecturer in Sonic Arts
School of Arts

Lecturer in Sonic Art and Auditory Knowledge; manager of the day-to-day elements of the Sonic Art Research Unit; co-curator of audiograft, Oxford's annual festival of experimental music and sonic art; co-convener of the bi-weekly Sonic Art Research Unit seminar; and as of April 2021, creator and lecturer for the sold out virtual lecture series, 'On Vibration'.
Teaching and supervision
Modules taught
Sonic arts; auditory poetics; creative strategies; professional practice; studio practice; experimental composition; acoustic ecology; text composition; sound studies; field recording and corporeal listening; writing sound
Dr. Patrick Farmer is a writer, composer and sound researcher. He curates projects and events, such as artist in residency schemes and a variety of print publications, for the Sonic Art Research Unit. Recent projects include Azimuth, The Ecology of an Ear, a book that revolves around fifteen attempts to locate and rend the human/non-human ear into parts; a series of CHASE funded talks as part of a wider project concerned with Aural Diversity. Forthcoming projects include To Suckle a Field of Monsters, a book concerned with the hair cells of the inner ear as evidence of the disintegrating notion of human identity; a chapter for a new book on Aural Diversity, published by Routledge in October 2021; and (with Dr. Marie Thompson), a special journal edition of Senses and Society, concerned with the Aesthetics of Tinnitus.
Farmer is the Co-Investigator of the AHRC-funded project Tinnitus, Auditory Knowledge and the Arts, which explores how the arts might help to enrich understandings of tinnitus and the diverse ways it affects listeners. He is also the co-founder (with Sarah Hughes) of Compost and Height, a digital curatorial platform. Farmer curated and managed the Sound I'm Particular lecture series at the Old Fire Station from 2017-2019, he is also the Significant Landscapes festival organiser.
Farmer's work has been presented and performed internationally, including on BBC Radio 3's Late Junction; at music festivals including The Wulf (Los Angeles), Ftarri (Tokyo), LMC (London), I & E (Dublin), Geiger (Gothenburg), The Proms (London), Blurred Edges (Hamburg); at institutions including the British Tinnitus Association's annual conference, the ICA, Forestry Commission England (Cumbria); and has had work presentated at Where Were We, Art Writing Festival, (Aarhus), and the Writing sound symposium (Bristol).
Research impact
Patrick received the following resarch Grants and Awards:
- 2019 AHRC, Tinnitus Auditory Knowledge and the Arts.
- 2019 CHASE, funding for a series of talks about Aural Diversity
- 2016 Canterbury Christ Church University, research collaboration grant with Compost and Height.
- 2016 Sound and Music documentation grant, Meantime Projectspace, Cheltenham.
- 2015 Forestry Commission England / Sound and Music artist commission.
- 2010-2011 AHRC MA Studentship Award.
Further details