Professor Paul Carding
BA (Hons), MSC, PhD
Director of OxINMAHR (Oxford Institute of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Research)
Oxford School of Nursing and Midwifery

Paul Carding is Professor and Director of the Oxford Institute of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Research (OxINMAHR). He is also Senior Research Fellow at University College London (UK) and holds Honorary Professorial roles at both Newcastle University (UK) and Australian National Catholic University.
Paul’s research encompasses many aspects of multi-disciplinary and complex clinical practice and has included significant collaborations with colleagues in surgery, psychology, nursing, dietetics, neurology, oncology, gerontology and palliative care. Paul has secured over £5 million in nationally funded research grants (including NIHR, MRC, Wellcome Trust and Cancer UK). He has published over 130 peer-reviewed articles, 3 books and 9 book chapters and has supervised over 22 PhD and MPhil students to completion.
Areas of expertise
- Design and evaluation of complex healthcare interventions
- Speech, voice and swallowing disorders
Teaching and supervision
Modules taught
Paul does not have a formal teaching role as Director of OxINMAHR.
Previous undergraduate and postgraduate teaching experience
- 2013-2017 National Programme Director/ Discipline Lead and have had the responsibility for the curriculum design, development, implementation and governance of a new 4 year Speech Pathology program which is delivered simultaneously across 3 states in Australia. The ACU Four Year Undergraduate Programme in Speech Pathology consisted of: 2 University Core Units/Modules, 4 Inter-professional Units/Modules, 15 Speech Pathology Theoretical Units /Modules, 7 Professional Practice (Clinical Education) Units/Modules.
Previous modules taught
- Critically evaluating the literature, 2002-2006 Newcastle University
- Writing for publication, 2002-2006 Newcastle University
- The evidence base in voice disorders, 2002-2006 Newcastle University
- Designing your research study, 2003-2006 Newcastle University
- Presentation skills for academic meetings, 2003-2006 Newcastle University
- Research thesis examination, 2003-2006 Newcastle University
ACU undergraduate and postgraduate teaching
- ACU SPHY303: Voice Disorders, National Unit Coordinator (2013 -)
- ACU SPHY205: Acquired Speech Disorders, Lecturer/tutor (2013- 2016)
- ACU SPHY301: Dysphagia, Lecturer/tutor (2013- 2016)
- NEWC SPE3033 SL Path III: Head and Neck, Module Co-ordinator (2002-2013)
- NEWC SPE4007: Dysphagia, Module Co-ordinator (2006-2013)
Paul has supervised 22 PhD and MPhil students to completion.
Currently Paul is supervising 3 PhD students.
Research Students
Name | Thesis title | Completed |
Ms Rebecca Parker | The experience of midwives during intrapartum emergencies in community settings | Active |
Sandra Rushwaya | What are the barriers and facilitators to the uptake of HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis among Black African Heterosexual Women in England? | Active |
Paul’s research encompasses many aspects of multi-disciplinary and complex clinical practice and has included significant collaborations with colleagues in surgery, psychology, nursing, dietetics, neurology, oncology, gerontology and palliative care.
Paul has secured over £5 million in research grants and has published over 130 peer-reviewed articles, 3 books and 9 book chapters. He has also supervised over 20 PhD and MPhil students to completion.
Research group membership
OxINMAHR Director: Professor Paul Carding. The Institute comprises a number of research centres and groups including:
- The Centre for Movement, Occupational and Rehabilitation Sciences (MOReS)
- The Centre for Nursing, Health and Social Care Research (incorporating Supportive Cancer Care and Chidlren and Familes research groups)
- Oxford Brookes Centre for Nutrition and Health
- Preventative Science Research
Paul is also Chair of the Oxford Brookes Healthy Ageing and Care Research and Knowledge Exchange Network.
Other research group memberships include:
- NIHR Speech Pathology Research Group
- NIHR Academy Incubator for Robotic and Minimally Invasive Surgery
Research grants and awards
- National Institute of Health Research: HTA programme (CI) CET-HTA 11/NE/0136 : The Toppits trial: Clinical Effectiveness of Proton Pump Inhibitors in Throat Symptoms. FUNDED 2014-2018 £ 758,168
- ACU Research Funding (CI) ACURF 42750 Multi-centre RCT of voice therapy for patients with Dysphonia. Not successful $ 396,000
- National Institute of Health Research: RPB programme (CI) PB-PG 1013-32058 . Vocalist: Does laryngeal reinnervation or Type 1 thyroplasty give better voice results- a feasibility study. FUNDED 2015-2017 £ 324,977
- National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia) (PI) APP1095207. Title: TAHRDIS: collaboration for optimal treatment and training of people with dementia. Not successful (but highly commended) $ 1, 760, 342
- Australian Research Council (CI) LE150100166 Title: Virtual Speech Therapist Laboratory Not successful $ 551,322
- National Institute of Health Research: HTA (PI) Title: An RCT evaluation of voice therapy for non-organic dysphonia Not Successful(highly commended) $1,114,518
- ACU Health Sciences (CI) Face-to-Voice project FUNDED 2016 $24,000
- ACU RF Program grant (PI) Complex interventions: Speech Pathology interventions for Non-organic dysphonia FUNDED 2016 $ 281,592
- Australian Government Research Program (PI) Research award: Voice Therapy for UVFP. FUNDED 2016-2018 $108,684
- Centre for Research Excellence- Cerebral Palsy (NHMRC funding) (CI) Drooling in CP infants FUNDED 2016-2019 $ 81,000
- Australian Research Council (CI) Title: The Wizard of Oz Project Not successful 2018 $300,000
- Health Education England ICAP Internship programme FUNDED 2021- 2024 £95,940
- John Templeton Foundation (CI) Psychologically informed religious and spiritual care in UK mental healthcare contexts. FUNDED 2019 £35,000
- National Institute of Health Research (CI) NIHR Academy Incubator for Robotic and Minimally Invasive Surgery – NIRMIS FUNDED 2020 £90,000
- National Institute of Health Research (CI) PRP NIHR201441 Redefining the management of persistent throat symptoms Not funded 2020 £69,133
- UKRI COVID-19 (CI) COVID-19 teams in the NHS: implications for leadership, clinical performance, retention and individual long-term mental health. FUNDED 2020 £375,367
- Oxford BRC RCF 2020 (CI) Patient and Clinician experience of remote consultation. FUNDED 2020 £106,848
Current research projects include:
- Redefining the management of persistent throat symptoms (NIHR funded)
- UKRI COVID-19 (CI) COVID-19 teams in the NHS: implications for leadership, clinical performance, retention and individual long-term mental health (UKRI funded).
- Oxford BRC RCF 2020 (CI) Patient and Clinician experience of remote consultation Oxford BRC funded).
- HEE/NIHR ICAP Internship programme (HEE funded)
Research impact
Summary data 2020:
- H-index: 34 (Google Scholar) and 27 (Scopus)
- Journal Publications 2008-2018: n = 101
- Field-weighted citation impact: 1.23
- Average citations per publication: 6.8
Centres and institutes
Projects as Principal Investigator, or Lead Academic if project is led by another Institution
- Development of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professional research (22/03/2022 - 21/03/2025), funded by: Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, funding amount received by Brookes: £780,000
- INTALECA (01/09/2019 - 31/08/2025), funded by: Health Education England, funding amount received by Brookes: £84,429
Professional information
Memberships of professional bodies
- Member of Royal College of SLT (RCSLT) (1985-present)
- Practising member of Health Professionals Council Speech and Language Therapist (1990- 2013)
- National Research Advisor to RCSLT (1998-2002)
- RCSLT representative on British Academic Conference in Otolaryngology (BACO) (2006-present)
- Consultant to National Clinical Trials Office in Otolaryngology (NOTO) (1998-present)
- Voice consultant to The Royal Shakespeare Company (1993-2013)
- National Clinical Advisor (ENT disorders) to Royal College Speech and Language Therapists (1996-2012)
- Laryngeal Transplantation Working Group (Royal College of Surgeons) (2011)
- Course Director for MSc in Clinical Research (Newcastle University- School Of Surgical Sciences) (2002-2006)
- Non-Medical fellow of Royal Society of Medicine (2006-present)
- Newcastle International Voice Therapy Conference, Newcastle University/ Freeman NHS Hospital (10 conferences spanning 1994- 2012)
- British Academic Conference in Otolaryngology, Manchester, Liverpool and Birmingham UK (2008, 2012, 2015)
Invited Keynote Lectures
Over 30 international Keynote/Invited Conference Lectures including:
- Newcastle University, United Kingdom (2018)
- Zurich University Hospital, Switzerland (2018)
- Gold Coast University, Australia (2017)
- University of Medicine, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (2016)
- British Laryngological Association, London, UK (2016)
- British Academic Conference in Otolaryngology UK, Birmingham (2015), Manchester (2012), Liverpool (2008)
- Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia (2014)
- La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia (2013)
- 5th World Voice Congress, Luxor, Egypt (2012)
- Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden (2012, 2003)
- University College London, United Kingdom (2011, 2009)
- Royal Society of Medicine, London, United Kingdom (2011, 2009)
- 4th World Voice Congress, Istanbul, Turkey (2006)
- American Speech and Hearing Academy, Philadelphia, USA (2009, 2006)
- University of Cork, Ireland (2007)
- Hong Kong University, Republic of China (2005)
- Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (2002)
- Antwerp University, Belgium (2000)
- Pittsburgh University, USA (2007, 2002)
- North Western University, Chicago, USA (1992)
- Columbia University, New York, USA (1992)
- Harvard University, Boston, USA (1999, 1992)
Presentation skills
Presenting at a scientific conference
- Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh) x3 (2010-2013)
- Royal College of Surgeons (London) x2 (2010-2012)
- Newcastle University (UK) x3 (2009-2013)
- ACU (Australia) x4 (2017 and 2018)
Executive presentation skills
- Leadership Centre, ACU , Brisbane, QLD Australia (2017-18)
Further details
Editorial Boards
- International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders (Executive Editorial Board) (2002-present)
- Folia Phoniatrica (2006-2009)
- Current Opinions in Otolaryngology (2009-2011)
- Logopedia and Vocology (2008-2010)
Regular journal academic reviewer
- Oral Oncology (2005- present)
- Clinical Otolaryngology and Allied Sciences (2000- present (+ guest editor))
- Journal of Voice (2006-present)
- International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (2013- present (+ editorial board))
External PhD/MD Examiner
- University of Sheffield, UK (2006)
- University of Bristol, UK (2006)
- Antwerp University, Belgium (2007)
- University of Hong Kong, China (2008)
- University of Queensland, Australia (2014, 2016, 2017)
- La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia (2018)
- Birmingham University, UK (2021)
- Newcastle University, UK (2021)