Dr Paul Potter
Senior Lecturer and Group Leader: Disease Mechanisms and Ageing
School of Biological and Medical Sciences
I am an experienced group leader and my research focuses on the genetics and pathways underlying chronic and age-related disease. I have specific interests in extracellular matrix disorders. In addition to leading my own research I collaborate with a range of groups, including the Centre for Osteoarthritis Pathogenesis at the Kennedy Institute. I was a member of the management group and a work package leader for the MouseAGE EU COST action. I continue to work on novel models of chronic and age-related disease to identify novel genes and pathways associated with disease, and to use these to search for interventions to improve health.
Areas of expertise
- Genetics and Disease,
- Ageing,
- Disease Models,
- Osteoarthritis,
- Renal Disease,
- Extracellular matrix
Teaching and supervision
Modules taught
I am Module Leader for:
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Scientific Skills
I also lecture on:
- Professional and Experimental Skills,
- Research Methods for Healthcare Scientists,
- Evidence Based Medicine,
- Independent Studies
I am also an MSc Project Supervisor.
I have supervised a range of PhD, MSc, and undergraduate project students and will be happy to discuss opportunities to develop new projects or contribute to existing ones.
- 2014-2021, Andy Blease, Collagen I dysfunction resulting in chronic osteoarthritis (PhD).
- 2014-2018, Sara Falcone. Novel Models of Chronic Renal Disease (PhD).
- 2014-2018, Thomas Nicol. 2014. A novel model of mitochondrial dysfunction resulting in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (PhD).
- 2017 - Pedro Romao (Diploma in Veterinary Medicine)
- 2012 - Hayley Tyrer. The role of HIF and hypoxia in acute and chronic mouse models of Otitis Media (PhD).
- 2011 - Sulzhan Bali. In vitro modelling of cellular processes in OM-BMDM studies in Junbo mice reveal defects in HIF and TGF-𝞫 signalling (PhD).
My interests lie in the genetic basis of disease, with a specific focus on age-related and chronic disease. I instigated, developed, and lead, the Harwell Ageing Screen, a large-scale phenotype-driven screen to identify genes and pathways associated with age-related disease. I also collaborate on multiple individual projects around the themes of ageing and the genetic basis of disease. A key area of interest are is ECM dysfunction and current projects include novel mutations resulting in Alport syndrome, Nephrotic Syndrome or Osteoarthritis. I also have projects on sudden cardiac death, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy arising from mitochondrial dysfunction, and colitis.
Key research interest include:
- Collagen I dysfunction resulting in late-onset osteoarthritis
- Abnormal branched chain amino acid metabolism is associated with sudden cardiac death
- A novel model of Nephrotic Syndrome caused by a point mutation in Lama5
- Extracellular matrix trunover in the glomerular basement membrane
- Characterisation of a novel model of colitis
- The association of a mutation in the C lectin binding domain of aggrecan with osteoarthritis and obesity
Research grants and awards
- INFRAFRONTIER H2020, Transnational access package
Research impact
Ageing is a major risk factor for most diseases and it is essential that we understnad the pathways resulting in age-related disease, and improve our understanding of these diseases
- The role of aggrecan in adipogenesis
- A novel model of Nephrotic Syndrome
Professional information
Memberships of professional bodies
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology
- Member of the Centre for Osteoarthritis Pathogenesis funded by Versus Arthritis, Kennedy Centre, Oxford
- Member of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
- Editorial Board; Experimental Biology and Medicine
Further details
Other experience
- Head of Disease Model Discovery, Mammalian Genetics Unit, Medical Research Council, Harwell (Sept 2010 to April 2018), Honorary Senior Lecturer (September 2009-Oct 2011, Kennedy Institute for Rheumatology, Imperial College)
- London Technology Network Business Fellow (March 2010-Oct 2011)
- Head of Mutagenesis (Nov 2007 – Aug 2010), Deputy Scientific Manager (Nov 2006 – Oct 2007), Mary Lyon Centre, Medical Research Council, Harwell
- Research Associate (reporting to Prof M. Botto, Prof Mark Walport)Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College (Hammersmith Hospital), London: Rheumatology Section (Nov 1999 – October 2006)
- Research Associate (reporting to Dr. K. Gould) ICSM (St. Mary’s Hospital), London: Department of Immunology (Jan 1998 – Oct 1999)
- Research Associate (reporting to Dr. A. Kelly) Guy’s Hospital, London: Renal Laboratory, Department of Medicine (July 1994- Jan 1998)
- Research Assistant (reporting to Dr. A.K. So) RPMS, Hammersmith Hospital, London: Rheumatology Unit (Jan 1988- July 1994)
- Research Assistant (reporting to Dr. John Harfield) Coulter Electronics, Luton (1983-1988) Particle sizing lab