Dr Sanjay Kumar
BA, MA, M.Phil, PhD
Reader in Psychology
School of Psychology, Social Work and Public Health

I am an Assistant Director and the group leader for Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience research group at the Centre for Psychological Research at Oxford Brookes University. I have a wide expertise in Cognitive and Clinical Neurosciences with specific focus on EEG/ERP and TMS investigations and Neuropsychological assessments.
I am module leader and key contributor to several undergraduate and postgraduate modules. I also act as an academic and tutorial supervisor to undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Areas of expertise
- Neuropsychology
- Clinical Psychology
- Cognitive Neuroscience
Teaching and supervision
Modules taught
I am the module leader of:
- Biological Psychology
- Clinical Neuropsychology
Other modules taught:
- Foundations to key Areas in Psychology
- Introduction to Psychological Research
- Advanced Exploration of Cognitive Reserach
- Project
- Brain and Cognition
- Research Based Dissertation
Example of completed postgraduate co-supervision:
- The role of distractors in object substitution masking and visual awarness. Sarah Camp
- The role of emotion and psychological distance on perception and memory. Alfred Veldhuis
- Applying experimental psychology and neuroscience in evaluating consumer's fear and disgust towards entomophagy. Indroneel Chattrejee
I have wide interests in cognitive and clinical neuroscience. My work aims to understand how the self is represented at the brain level and how it modulates emotional salience in depression.
The other stream of my work aims to understand how the brain extracts action information from the visual environment and the role of action related information in modulating attentional processes. This research focuses on using EEG/ERP data to uncover the time course of attention and action.
Research impact
My publication on Neuropsychiatric and Cognitive Sequlae of COVID-19 has been covered by over 100 different media outlets.
I was interviewed by Forbes for my COVID work, and by Swindon Radio on the impact of social media on mental health in children.
I have delivered several invited lectures.
Centres and institutes
Projects as Principal Investigator, or Lead Academic if project is led by another Institution
- Project [INTERLINKED] Game Component (led by TDE) (01/02/2024 - 30/09/2024), funded by: Counter Terrorism Policing, funding amount received by Brookes: £56,656
Professional information
Memberships of professional bodies
- Practitioner Psychologist (Clinical Psychologist) - The Health and Care Profession Council (PYL30434).
- Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society
- Senior Fellow of the Advance HE
- Commitee Member:
- Briitish Association of Cognitive Neuroscience
- British Psychologyical Society- Cognitive Psychology Section
Formally held the following positions:
- Honoraray Neuropsychologist (Oxford University Hospital and IONN, University College London Hospital)
- Stipendary Lecturer (Somerville College, University of Oxford)
- Post Doctoral Research Associate (Dept. of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford)
- Post Doctoral Research Fellow (School of Psychology, University of Birmingham)
Conference Organiser for the British Psychological Society Cognitive Section Annual Conference 2021.
Organised a symposium on the “self-representation in cognition at The BPS Cognitive Section Annual Conference 2021.
Symposium Organiser at the British Association of Cognitive Neuroscience, Plymouth, September 2017 on "Cognitive Neuroscience of Object Affordance and it’s Clinical Implications"
- Behaviour Analytics: https://www.tectonicai.com/
- Psychological Assessment of Aviation Personnel
- Neuropsychology
- Cognitive Assessments
- Mental Health
Further details
Press, publicity and reviews
I have been organising free psychiatric assessment clinics in one of the remot part of India and have regulalry fetaured in newspapers and TV for our services.
For more information, please visit:
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sanjay-Kumar-42
- https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kBWFNeEAAAAJ&hl=en