Dr Shahaboddin Resalati
BSc, MSc, PhD
Reader in Sustainable Architecture
School of Architecture

Dr Resalati is responsible for the leadership of the Architectural Engineering Group in building its academic and financial profile. This includes strategic, financial, and organisational management of all functions, management of the staff, and liaising with existing and prospective clients and funding bodies. All activities are targeted towards the development of a coherent high-quality project base and the financial stability of the group.
He is also acting as the interim Research Lead in the School of Architecture.
Areas of expertise
- Building Physics,
- Sustainable Architecture,
- Life Cycle Assessment,
- Life Cycle Costing,
- Circular Economy.
Teaching and supervision
Modules taught
Module Leader for:
- Building Physics
- Dissertation
He has also lead the design and delivery of bespoke courses developed in response to the requirements of the UK cladding sector. The content of the course include topics such as:
- General principles of modelling according to BRE BR 497 and the principles given in MCRMA Tech Papers 14 & 17.
- Basic user training focussed on U values, Psi values and F factors of metal building constructions using Trisco and Solido with an overview of Heat 2 and 3 and modelling of specific examples of plane elements to cover roof and wall examples of built-up systems, composite panels and perhaps an optional focus on some less standard constructions bespoke to the members.
- Modelling of Psi values of standard building junctions and details.
- Practical exercise/exam based on modelling standard details from scratch and 3 examples of Psi values to achieve accuracy of within 5% value to the MCRMA paper values.
Dr Resalati has successfully supervised PhD studies to completion. He has also supervised over 20 MSc dissertations in the last 4 years and is regularly supervising Undergraduate students on their final year dissertation projects.
Research Students
Name | Thesis title | Completed |
Farhad Salek | Thermo-economic modelling and optimization of the second life battery energy storage system for building applications | 2024 |
Dr Resalati's research focuses on Building Physics and Life Cycle Assessment of materials and services including advanced insulation materials, renewable technologies, and storage systems.
Research impact
The research and development carried out at the Architectural Engineering Research Group target a wider European and global audience with partners from all around Europe, Middle-East, and North America. The approach we have adopted focuses on the applications and implications of research findings for the engaged stakeholders and end-users. This has a higher impact on research in mind by converting the findings into value for the end-users.
Examples of which include the strong research and development activities (in form of both research and consultancy) we have performed as a group for companies such as Schock, Sapphire, Tata Steel, EuroClad, Berkeley homes, Unite Modular, Fusion Building Systems, Becker, and many more. These include projects that looked at ‘thermal bridging and temperature factor analyses for thermally broken balcony attachments’, ‘investigating the effect of highly reflective liners in lighting load savings’, ‘Bespoke large scale testing of water penetration into volumetric modular solutions under laboratory conditions', and ‘Calculation of temperature rises in building-integrated PV cells’, to name a few.
These projects are purely aimed at improving the product offerings of these companies contributing to their higher sales and better performing products. We have also actively contributed to two major European research projects TABASCO and BATIMASS that have enabled and educated the industry to predict the competitiveness and supply chain implications of light steel as a mainstream construction material. Two major technical challenges associated with utilising light-steel frames which were addressed by these projects were the high thermal conductivity of steel and the thermal mass issue in light-weight buildings.
Completed research grants and awards
- Innovative multi-functional Vacuum-Insulation-Panels (VIPs) for use in the building sector (INNOVIP)
Role: Principal Investigator (OBU)
Funder: European Commission (H2020 framework)
Duration: 42 months (Oct 2016 – Apr 2020)
Project Budget: €5m, Oxford Brookes University: €330k
- Improved Durability of Steel Sandwich Panel Constructions regarding Hygrothermal and AIRtightness Performance (HAIR)
Role: CO-I
Funder: European Commission (RFCS)
Duration: 36 months (Oct 2017 – Oct 2020)
Project Budget: €805k, Oxford Brookes University: €194k
- Small thermal vacuum chamber for low-cost testing of spacecraft components
Role: CO-I
Funder: UK Space Agency
Duration: 6 months (Mar 2018 – Sep 2018)
Project Budget: £15k
Centres and institutes
Projects as Principal Investigator, or Lead Academic if project is led by another Institution
- Scaleable High-Power Output and Low Cost Made-to-Measure Tandem Solar Modules Enabling Specialised PV Applications (01/09/2023 - 31/08/2026), funded by: European Commission, funding amount received by Brookes: £251,281
- Disruptive kesterites-based thin film technologies customised for challenging architectural and active urban furniture applications (led by Fundacio Institut de Recerca de L'Energia de Catalunya) (01/09/2020 - 31/08/2024), funded by: European Commission, funding amount received by Brookes: £172,639
- Powerskin Plus (led by INSTITUTO PEDRO NUNES ASSOCIACAO PARA A INOVACAO E DESENVOLVIMENTO EM CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA (IPN) (01/10/2019 - 31/03/2024), funded by: European Commission, funding amount received by Brookes: £305,129
Professional information
Memberships of professional bodies
• Member of the expert evaluators of the EU H2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
• Member of the Energy Institute (MEI)