Dr Shujaat Hussain Kausar
Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics

I am a Senior Lecturer in Computing, teaching primarily within the fields of computer science, data science and
programming. I have PhD in Computer Science with specialization in Big Data. I have over 15 years of
experience in the academia and industry.
Areas of Expertise
programming. I have PhD in Computer Science with specialization in Big Data. I have over 15 years of
experience in the academia and industry.
Areas of Expertise
- Health Informatics
- Big Data and AI
- Knowledge Graphs
- Distributed Systems
Teaching and supervision
Modules taught
- COMP3006 Graphics and the Web
- COMP4005 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
- COMP4006 Professional Programming Practice
- COMP4009 Foundations of Computer Systems
- COMP5004 Software Development with C and C++
- COMP5013 Web Application Development
I have supervised 50+ undergraduate final year projects and Master's dissertations and supervise(d)
postgraduate students in the following areas:
postgraduate students in the following areas:
- Knowledge Graphs
- Cloud Computing and Big Data
- Federated Learning
- Health Informatics
- Big Data and AI
Title: Re-Designing E-recruitment using AI for Temporal Analysis
Funder: National Center of Artificial Intelligence- HEC Pakistan
Role: Principal Investigator
Title: Intelligent Medical Platform Global Bridge Research Center
Funder: Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, ITRC
(Information Technology Research Center), South Korea
Role: Research Associate
Title: Development of mining minds core technology exploiting personal
big data
Funder: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE, South Korea)
Role: Research Associate (Team Lead)
Title: Personalized, Ubiquitous Lifecare Decision Support
System (PULSE)
Funder: Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE), ITRC, Rep. of Korea
Role: Research Assistant (Developer)
Title: A personalized Platform to promote an Active Liestyle and
Wellbeing based on Physical , Mental and Social Health
Primitives (Athena)
Funder: Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE), ITRC, Rep. of Korea
Role: Research Assistant (Developer)
Title: Re-Designing E-recruitment using AI for Temporal Analysis
Funder: National Center of Artificial Intelligence- HEC Pakistan
Role: Principal Investigator
Title: Intelligent Medical Platform Global Bridge Research Center
Funder: Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, ITRC
(Information Technology Research Center), South Korea
Role: Research Associate
Title: Development of mining minds core technology exploiting personal
big data
Funder: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE, South Korea)
Role: Research Associate (Team Lead)
Title: Personalized, Ubiquitous Lifecare Decision Support
System (PULSE)
Funder: Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE), ITRC, Rep. of Korea
Role: Research Assistant (Developer)
Title: A personalized Platform to promote an Active Liestyle and
Wellbeing based on Physical , Mental and Social Health
Primitives (Athena)
Funder: Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE), ITRC, Rep. of Korea
Role: Research Assistant (Developer)
Professional information
- Talha Nazar, Shujaat Hussain and Kifayat Ullah Khan. “Localizing and Analyzing the Infographics in Document Using Deep Learning.” International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication. Springer, 2023
- Ahmed Affan and Shujaat Hussain . “Detecting multi-class kidney abnormalities using Deep learning”.International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication. Springer, 2022
- Bhatti, Saeed Ur Rehman, Shujaat Hussain, and Kifayat Ullah Khan. "A Robust Algorithm for Candidate Pruning and Feature Weight Generation in E-Recruitment System." 2022 24th International Multitopic Conference (INMIC). IEEE, 2022.
- Sarah Kiyani, Musa Dildar Ahmed Cheema, Saad Ali Qureshi, Shujaat Hussain and Kifayat Ullah Khan. “Feature-Wise Ranking of Candidates through Maximum Degrees in Hidden Bipartite Graphs“. International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication. Springer, 2022
- Abdul Hanan Minhas, Mohammad Daniyal Shaiq, Saad Ali Qureshi, Musa Dildar Ahmed Cheema, Shujaat Hussain and Kifayat Ullah Khan “An Efficient Algorithm for Ranking Candidates in E-Recruitment System“ International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication. Springer, 2022
- Hira Sajid, Javeria Kanwal, Saeed Ur Rehman Bhatti, Saad Ali Qureshi, Amna Basharat, Shujaat Hussain and Kifayat Ullah Khan “Resume Parsing Framework for E-recruitment“. International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication. Springer, 2022.
- Saeed Rehman, Mohammad Daniyal Shaiq, Hira Sajid, Saad Ali Qureshi, Shujaat Hussain and Kifayat Ullah “Resu-mizer: Hybrid Resume Information Retrieval System“. International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication. Springer, 2022.
- Shahid, Safiullah, Shujaat Hussain, and Wajahat Ali Khan. "Predicting continuous blood glucose level using deep learning." Proceedings of the 14th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing Companion. 2021.
- Shujaat Hussain and Sungyoung Lee, "Visualization and descriptive analytics of wellness data through Big Data",2015 Tenth International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM), Jeju, 2015, pp. 69-71. doi: 10.1109/ICDIM.2015.7381878
- Shujaat Hussain and Sungyoung Lee, "Semantic transformation model for clinical documents in big data to support healthcare analytics", 2015 Tenth International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM), Jeju, 2015, pp. 99-102.
- Shujaat Hussain, Byeong Ho Kang, Sungyoung Lee, "A wearable device-based personalized big data analysis model", 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2014), Belfast, United Kingdom, December 2-5, 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8867. Springer
- Shujaat Hussain, Manhyung Han, Jae Hun Bang, Chris Nugent, Sally McClean, Bryan Scotney , Gerard Parr and Sungyoung Lee, "Activity recognition and resource optimization in mobile cloud through MapReduce" 2013 IEEE 15th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom 2013), Lisbon, 2013, pp. 471-475.
- Shujaat Hussain, Muhammad Bilal Amin, Zeeshan Pervez, Ammar Ahmad Awan, Sungyoung Lee."A hybrid cloud based smart home". AAL SUMMIT 2012
- Shujaat Hussain, Muhammad Bilal Amin, Sungyoung Lee, “ A personalized smart home architecture in cloud environment”, Korea Information Science Society 2012 Fall Conference Paper Volume 39, No. 2(D), November 2012, 79-81
- Shujaat Hussain, Muhammad Bilal Amin, Manhyung Han, Yoon Yong Ik, Sungyoung Lee, “A ganglia-based service for monitoring energy usage in cloud”, 2013 Korea Information Science Society 40th Annual General Meeting and Fall Conference, 2013.11, 69 -71
- Muhammad Idris, Shujaat Hussain, Byeong Ho Kang and Sungyoung Lee, "In-Map/In-Reduce: Concurrent Job Execution in MapReduce", 2014 IEEE 13th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, Beijing, 2014, pp. 763-768. doi: 10.1109/TrustCom.2014.100
- Muhammad Idris, Shujaat Hussain, Mahmood Ahmad and Sungyoung Lee, "Big Data Service Engine (BISE): Integration of Big Data Technologies for Human Centric Wellness Data", 2015 International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BIGCOMP), Jeju, 2015, pp. 244-248. doi:10.1109/35021BIGCOMP.2015.7072838
- Wajahat Ali Khan, Muhammad Bilal Amin, Oresti Banos, Taqdir Ali, Maqbool Hussain, Muhammad Afzal, Shujaat Hussain, Jamil Hussain, Rahman Ali, Maqbool Ali, Dongwook Kang, Jaehun Bang, Tae Ho Hur, Bilal Ali, Muhammad Idris, Asif Razzaq, Sungyoung Lee and Byeong Ho Kang, "Mining Minds: Journey of Evolutionary Platform for Ubiquitous Wellness", In 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Healthcare (u-Healthcare 2015), pp.1-3, 2015.
- Wajahat Ali Khan, Muhammad Idris, Taqdir Ali, Rahman Ali, Shujaat Hussain, Maqbool Hussain, Muhammad Bilal Amin, Asad Masood Khattak, Yuan Weiwei, Muhammad Afzal, Sungyoung Lee and Byeong Ho Kang, "Correlating Health and Wellness Analytics for Personalized Decision Making", 2015 17th International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom), Boston, MA, 2015, pp. 256-261
- Oresti Banos, Muhammad Bilal Amin, Wajahat Ali Khan, Muhammad Afzel, Mahmood Ahmad, Maqbool Ali, Taqdir Ali, Rahman Ali, Muhammad Bilal, Manhyung Han, Jamil Hussain, Maqbool Hussain, Shujaat Hussain, Tae Ho Hur, Jae Hun Bang, Thien Huynh-The, Muhammad Idris, Dong Wook Kang, Sang Beom Park, Hameed Siddiqui, Le-Ba Vui, Muhammad Fahim, Asad Masood Khattak, Byeong Ho Kang, and Sungyoung Lee, ”An Innovative Platform for Person-Centric Health and Wellness Support”, In International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (IWBBIO 2015), pp.131–140, Springer, 2015.
- Amin, Muhammad Bilal, Shujaat Hussain, Manhyung Han, Byeong Ho Kang, Yoon Yong Ik, SungIk Jun, Sungyoung Lee. " Profiling based Energy-Aware Recommendation System for Cloud Platforms." Computer Science and its Applications. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015. 851-859.
- Muhammad Idris, Shujaat Hussain, Taqdir Ali, Byeong Ho Kang, Sungyoung Lee, "Semantics Based Intelligent Search in Large Digital Repositories using Hadoop MapReduce", International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Springer, Cham, 2014.
- Ammar Ahmad Awan, Muhammad Bilal Amin, Shujaat Hussain, Aamir Shafi and Sungyoung Lee, "An MPI- IO Compliant Java based Parallel I/O Library", 2013 13th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing, Delft, 2013, pp. 174-175.
- M. B. Amin, A. Shafi, Shujaat Hussain, W. A. Khan and S. Lee, "High performance Java sockets (HPJS) for scientific health clouds," e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom), 2012 IEEE 14th International Conference on, Beijing, 2012, pp. 477-480.
- Muhammad Idris, Shujaat Hussain, Sungyoung Lee. “MaRTiAN: MapReduce based Efficient Tweet ANALysis”. 2013 Korea Information Science Society Proceedings of 40th Annual General Meeting and Fall Conference, 2013.11, 78-80
- Muhammad Bilal Amin, Shujaat Hussain, Sungyoung Lee. “Cumulative emotion recognition for decision making”. Korean Society of Information Scientists and Engineers 2012 Fall Conference Paper Volume 39, No. 2 (B), November 2012, 286-288
- Muhammad Bilal Amin, Shujaat Hussain, Manhyung Han, Sungyoung Lee, Yoon Yong Ik. “Prediction, Provisioning, Elastic (PPE) Energy-aware recommendations model for Cloud Platforms”. 2013 40th Annual General Meeting and Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Information Scientists and Engineers, 2013.11, 72-74
Further details
- Shahbaz, M., Basharat, A., Yasmin, R., Ahmad, N., Abbasi, R., & Hussain, S. (2025). Leveraging Explainable AI for Early Risk Prediction and Type Classification for Leukemia: Insights using Clinical Data from Pakistan. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics.
- Razaque, Abdul, Bandar Alotaibi, Munif Alotaibi, Shujaat Hussain, Aziz Alotaibi, and Vladimir Jotsov. "Clickbait Detection Using Deep Recurrent Neural Network." Applied Sciences 12, no. 1 (2022): 504.
- Bilal, Hafiz Syed Muhammad, Muhammad Bilal Amin, Jamil Hussain, Syed Imran Ali, Shujaat Hussain, Muhammad Sadiq, Muhammad Asif Razzaq, Asim Abbas, Chunho Choi, and Sungyoung Lee. "On computing critical factors based healthy behavior index for behavior assessment." International Journal of Medical Informatics (2020): 104181.
- Shujaat Hussain, Maqbool Hussain, Muhammad Afzal, Jamil Hussain, Jaehun Bang, Hyonwoo Seung, and Sungyoung Lee. "Semantic Preservation of standardized healthcare documents in big data." International Journal of Medical Informatics (2019).
- Jamil Hussain, Anees Ul Hassan, Hafiz Syed Muhammad Bilal, Muhammad Afzal, Shujaat Hussain, Jaehun Bang, Oresti Banos, and Sungyoung Lee, "Model-based adaptive user interface based on context and user experience evaluation", Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces , Vol.12, Issue 1, pp.1-16, 2018
- Muhammad Bilal Amin, Oresti Banos, Wajahat Ali Khan, Hafiz Syed Muhammad Bilal, Jinhyuk Gong, Dinh-Mao Bui, Soung Ho Cho, Shujaat Hussain, Taqdir Ali, Usman Akhtar, Tae Choong Chung and Sungyoung Lee, "On Curating Multimodal Sensory Data for Health and Wellness Platforms", Sensors (), vol. 16,no. 7, doi:10.3390/s16070980 , 2016
- Dinh-Mao Bui, Shujaat Hussain, Eui-Nam Huh and Sungyoung Lee, "Adaptive Replication Management in HDFS based on Supervised Learning” in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 1369-1382, 1 June 2016. doi: 10.1109/TKDE.2016.2523510
- Mahmood Ahmad, Muhammad Bilal Amin, Shujaat Hussain, Byeong Ho Kang, Taechoong Cheong and Sungyoung Lee, "Health Fog: a novel framework for health and wellness applications", Journal of Supercomputing, DOI:10.1007/s11227-016-1634-x, 2016
- Muhammad Bilal Amin, Wajahat Ali Khan, Shujaat Hussain, Dinh-Mao Bui, Oresti Banos, Byeong Ho Kang and Sungyoung Lee, "Evaluating Large-Scale Biomedical Ontologies Over Parallel Platforms", IETE Technical Review 33.4 (2016): 415-427.
- Rahman Ali, Muhammad Hameed Siddiqi, Muhammad Idris Ahmed, Taqdir Ali, Shujaat Hussain, Eui-Nam Huh, Byeong Ho Kang and Sungyoung Lee, "GUDM: Automatic Generation of Unified Datasets for Learning and Reasoning in Healthcare", Sensors (), Vol.15, No.7, pp.15772-15798, 2015
- Muhammad Idris, Shujaat Hussain, Maqbool Ali, Arsen Abdulali, Muhammad Hameed Siddiqi, Byeong Ho Kang, and Sungyoung Lee, “Context-aware scheduling in MapReduce: A Compact Review”, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol.27, pp.5332--5349, 2015.
- Muhammad Idris, Shujaat Hussain, Muhammad Hameed Siddiqi, Waseem Hassan, Hafiz Syed Muhammad Bilal and Sungyoung Lee, "MRPack: Multi-Algorithm Execution Using Compute-Intensive Approach in MapReduce", PLOS ONE, Vol. 10, No.8, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0136259, 2015
- Shujaat Hussain, Jae Hun Bang, Manhyung Han, Muhammad Idris Ahmed, Muhammad Bilal Amin, Chris Nugent, Sally McClean, Bryan Scotney, Gerard Parr and Sungyoung Lee, "Behavior Life Style analysis for mobile sensory data in cloud computing through MapReduce", Sensors, Vol.14, No.11, pp.22001-22020 , 2014
- Muhammad Bilal Amin, Wajahat Ali Khan, Bilal Ali Rizvi, Jaehun Bang, Muhammad Sadiq, Taqdir Ali, Taeho Hur, Shujaat Hussain, Imran Ali, Dohyung Kim and Sungyoung Lee., “Health and Wellness platforms: A Survey on Services and Enabling Technologies”, The Journal of The Korean Institute of Communication Sciences, Vol.35, pp.9-25, 2018.
- Wajahat Ali Khan, Syed Imran Ali, Bilal Ali Rizvi, Taeho Hur, Shujaat Hussain, Imran Ali and Sungyoung Lee., “Health-care Interoperability: The path towards integrated Electronic Health Records (EHR)”, The Journal of The Korean Institute of Communication Sciences, 73 - 84 2018