Simon Biltcliffe is an award winning CEO, international public speaker and business expert; widely acclaimed for his talks on his Marxist-capitalist business model, as well as talks on employee motivation and running a thriving organisation in the 21st century. An IoD Director of the Year, he is the Founder of international marketing agency, Webmart and the world’s first digitally driven print platform, Printelligence. From starting Webmart with just £10,000 of his own savings, Simon has turned the business into a £20 million+ turnover organisation with just 43 employees whilst implementing his unconventional business model and maximising everyone’s I.E.F (Intellectual, Emotional and Financial) return.
Driven by the his strong moral values, Simon implements capitalist principles in his business to generate the wealth of the organisation and Marxist principles to redistributing that wealth back to the company and the wider community. The success and originality of this business model has led to Simon speaking on this topic at various conferences and events.
Simon is a experienced speaker and has spoken to large audiences at many events from TEDx, The Marketing Academy, IoD conferences as well as guest talks at the IMD Lausanne and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Mumbai.