Ye Xu

FRICS, PhD, MSc, BSc(Hons)

Senior Lecturer, Subject Co-ordinator for MSc Real Estate Investment Finance and Course Director for Oxford Adapt

School of the Built Environment

Ye Xu


Dr. Ye Xu is the Fellow of Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and RICS counsellor and assessor.  She has over 15 years’ experience in business and programme development.  She was trained in the industry as a commercial property valuer and research manager in London and Shanghai China.  Capitalised on her industrial experience, Ye piloted and developed a professional training programme, Oxford Adapt, for mid to senior property professionals in emerging markets, such as China, Vietnam, Indonesia.  The programme has now attracted delegates from Africa.  It covers RICS pathways such as valuation, commercial real estate, property finance and investment, project management and facilities management.  While expanding the Oxford Adapt programme, together with colleagues, Ye also established an entire online programm, MSc Real Estate Investment Finance, for the school.  The flexible and online nature of the programme appeal to professional professionals around the world.  The programme achieved 100% overall satisfaction rate in the national Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey in 2018.  During her role as the Global Partnership Lead for the Faculty, Ye also led and validated several Transnational Education programmes in China, Sri Lanka, Greece and Myanmar. 


Dr. Xu also has extensive research and advisory experience in the property industry as well as in the academic field.  Ye has had a wide range of knowledge in quantitative modelling and property market research. She examined investment decision-making among property professionals in her PhD study, and applied both traditional and behavioural finance theories to understand property market performance. She is also interested in studying the linkages between different property investment vehicles and financial markets. Ye was also the book review editor for Journal of Property Investment & Finance.  She is the co-author of the book titled ‘Real Estate – Property Markets and Sustainable Behaviour’. 


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