BA Business and Marketing Management
“Studying at Brookes can broaden your knowledge and help you to gain valuable experience, but most importantly it gives you a chance to become a better person. Getting to know different cultures, languages and find friends for life is only the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more to be experienced – memories that will be cherished for life.”
Why did you decide to study in the UK?
One of the main reasons why I decided study abroad, here in the UK, was my determination to increase my English language knowledge. My English has always been okay, but the lack of use made it hard to sound natural as if I was a native-speaker. Besides, I really wanted to live in England at least for a couple of years, since this country has always fascinated me with its very old and rich history.
How easy did you find it to settle into life at the University?
Like anything else at the beginning I had some technical difficulties regarding my English language – it was far worse than I expected it to be. Understanding the English language is one thing, but being capable of using it like an English person is totally different. I am not going to lie; it took me 1 or 2 months to get used to the way people were speaking. The local accent was probably the hardest thing to get used to. On the other hand, other students and all the University’s staff members were really supportive so I never felt as if I’d been left behind. Overall, I enjoyed the process of integration into society.
What is the best thing about your course?
The way it's presented – instead of being very dull and theoretical, it is really down to earth and practical. It does not mean that all the knowledge that I get comes from practical approach; all I am trying to say is that the information that we read and learn during the lectures is being quickly applied. Modules are interesting, people are fun and the best thing about my course is that everything I do seems to be useful and applicable; it is not just piles of books that need to be read and then later on forgotten.
How different do you find Oxford Brookes' teaching style compared to that of your previous experience?
I really like and enjoy the teaching style here at Brookes. The work-load seems to be perfectly balanced. I have enough time not only for my studies, but for my personal life too. I can do sports, join various activities and keep myself busy without stressing out too much.
Besides, I really like that Oxford Brookes uses a practical approach, instead of theoretical like many other universities are doing – it helps to better prepare students for the life outside the University’s boundaries.
Have you done a work placement? If you have where, and what have you learnt from this experience?
I have already done two placements so far. My first placement was in BMW a few years ago and the second in the Wall Street Institute, Italy. I really enjoyed working for both well-known companies: it was valuable first-hand work experience that I would recommend to everyone else. During both stages I learnt a lot of things, such as time and team management skills, presentation and event delegation skills and most importantly how to speak in front of hundreds of people without breaking a sweat! Taking a placement is something that everyone should try. Personally, I became more focused and motivated towards my professional career, eager to learn and a lot more responsible.
What do you like most about living in Oxford?
One of the things that I like most about Oxford is its people. Oxford is very unique; it has always been that way, because of the young bright students coming to study here from all over the world. I have never lived in anywhere as diverse and multicultural as here. Living here is a great opportunity to get to know various cultures, languages and find friends for life.
Are you involved in any clubs, societies or Brookes activities?
Yes, I'm a member of the Economics Society and also I'm a Student Ambassador/Student Rep for the University.
Why would you recommend Brookes to other International students?
It is a multicultural University filled with students from different countries across the world. Studying at Brookes can broaden your knowledge and help you to gain valuable experience, but most importantly it gives you a chance to become a better person. Getting to know different cultures, languages and find friends for life is only the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more to be experienced – memories that will be cherished for life.