Junior Oliveira de Almeida

Thesis title: Online engagement among child consumers of child-produced YouTube content

Start year: 2019

Supervisor(s): Professor Peter Lugosi, Professor Sarah Quinton

Research topic

My PhD research investigates the experience of child viewers of child YouTuber videos (videos made by children to be watched by children on the YouTube platform). Thus, this project examines the online engagement between these two social actors (children as viewers and other children as content creators of these videos). The aim of this research is to further investigate the drivers and forms of online engagement among young children; consequently, the purpose of this study is to broaden academic knowledge of the interactive nature of engagement in current society and to contribute to existing literature on peer influence and engagement theory, in this case, within the context of childhood.


Online engagement, child YouTuber, YouTube, child-influencers

Academic school / department

Oxford Brookes Business School