Shannon Skeffington

Thesis title: Music and its uses across the lifespan

Start year: 2023


Supervisor(s): Dr Mark Burgess, Dr Adam Lonsdale, Dr Clare Rathbone

Research topic

My research interests are primarily in two areas. Firstly I am interested in music psychology. Music is a constant in our everyday lives and is something we are exposed to daily through radio or TV. I am interested in why we listen to music, the importance of music, and how this changes across the lifespan. I am also interested in factors that may affect our music use, such as identity or emotions, and how music can be used to improve our wellbeing.

My second area of interest concerns brain injury rehabilitation. I am interested in brain injury therapies and how music may be used to improve quality of life and rehabilitation outcomes.

My PhD thesis examines whether identity, emotional intelligence, and life role can affect music engagement across the lifespan and whether music can affect cognitive performance in individuals with brain injuries.

To learn more about my research please visit the study website.