Tasha Chandra

LLB Law (KDU 2+1)

“The course structure is flexible and allows me to work on other things while in the UK. I managed to find a suitable job as a teaching assistant and I have enjoyed this job very much”

My main reason for studying at KDU/Oxford Brookes was because two of my siblings studied Law there and they recommended it to me. Also the degrees offered in the UK are recognised all over the world as being first class degrees.

My studies were mainly funded by a bank loan that I applied for in Malaysia. Other than that, I had financial support from family members. I received a bursary from Brookes University prior to coming to the UK. This bursary was awarded to the top six students of my year. Also, the course structure is flexible and allows me to work on other things while in the UK. I managed to find a suitable job as a teaching assistant and I have enjoyed this job very much.

I am able to communicate with my lecturers through email and have done so on numerous occasions when I needed help with the course. They are knowledgeable as well as extremely approachable and willingly assisted me with other matters, for example, applying for the Bar Vocational Course.

I was very happy to be living with various other people from different backgrounds as I enjoy meeting new people and learning about different cultures. The halls of residence are conveniently located near the main campus and also near the Law offices. Although the rooms are slightly smaller than expected, it was not difficult to make it cosy and homely. Furthermore, facilities such as washing machines and computer rooms were only a few metres away.

The Law Society constantly organises events for students to improve themselves as well as to let off some steam. There are many competitions and parties throughout the year which enable students to mingle and make new friends.

Living in Oxford is a dream come true: exciting and enlightening because I am able to socialise with many scholars and also because the town is beautiful and filled with traditional buildings that are not found in many cities.

The course has given me an invaluable insight into various fields of Law and I found that attending the seminars increased my confidence to state opinions and arguments. The seminar leaders were encouraging and constantly helped me develop my public speaking skills which will definitely be useful for a future career in Law.

Ultimately, I hope to return to Malaysia and practice with my father in his Law firm. This was my main motivation for studying Law. However, with regards to the next few years, I hope to secure a training contract with a top firm in London or Manchester and perhaps, practice in the UK for a few years.