The Second Annual Decolonising Research Debate: Decolonisation in Motion

In-person event, with the option for listeners to log in via zoom and participate in the Q&A.

colourful digital art of various faces in different colours

Oxford Brookes University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Research Network (EDIN) invites you to our second annual debate to discuss what it means to decolonise research within Higher Education. For this debate, we concentrate on decolonisation through film, looking at the specific case of contemporary Algeria. Most urgently, this event looks at decolonisation as an action and practice.

The discussion will be followed by refreshments and an opportunity to network. 


Walid Benkhaled, Bodleian Library

Walid is a documentary filmmaker and a researcher, working on the history, politics and aesthetics of Algerian cultural production, notably in the post-independence period.

He is in the post-production stage of his first feature length documentary “ In the Frame”.

In his academic work, Walid is particularly interested in the funding mechanisms of Algerian cultural production, specifically cinema, and how explicit and implicit conditions attached to funding from the Global North can determine aesthetic, thematic and linguistic ‘choices’ made by filmmakers in the Global South. He is the author of: “Algerian cinema between commercial and political pressures: The double distortion”.

He is currently working on a documentary series/ public history project on the first generation of Algerian university students in the 1960s and 1970s: Generation Independence: a People’s History, funded by UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), alongside his PhD by practice “Reframing Algerian documentary making: a decolonial approach”.

Natalya Vince, University College, Oxford

Natalya is a historian of the French empire, decolonisation, and post-colonial histories. She has completed projects on women veterans of the Algerian War of Independence, West African soldiers in the French army, wartime sexual violence in Algeria and Indonesia – and her current project, on Algerian students, state-building and social mobility during the Third Worldist era of the 1960s and 1970s. Natalya is increasingly focused on creative, collaborative and widely accessible approaches to producing and disseminating research. This includes the project ‘Generation Independence’, an online series of trilingual documentary shorts, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. 

Chair: Dr Lindsay Steenberg, Oxford Brookes University

Lindsay is Reader / Associate Professor of Film Studies at Oxford Brookes University, where she also sits as Chair of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Research Network (EDIN). Her research looks at the gender and race politics of violence in the popular media, including the crime and action genres.

Register to attend the event online (Zoom)

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Lindsay Steenberg