Ultrasonic Cavitation Processing Lab (CAV-iT)
Group Leader(s): Professor Iakovos Tzanakis
Contact: itzanakis@brookes.ac.uk
About us
The Ultasonic Cavitation Processing Lab (CAV-iT) research facility was found and created by Professor Iakovos Tzanakis in 2017 after funds received internally and from external funding sources (EPSRC). CAV-iT serves fundamental and applied research with core activities ranging from structural materials (aluminum) and functional 2D nanomaterials (graphene) to engineering emulsions (oil/water, self-lubricating alloys), ultrasonic atomization (metallic powders for 3D printing) and materials for cavitation resistance (steels, thermal coatings).
CAV-iT is equipped with state of the art equipment including:
- a wide range of equipment for ultrasonic processing ranging from 20 kHz up to 1174 kHz plus a contactless vibrometer
- an ultra-high speed (up to 2.1 million frames per second) camera (FASTCAM SA-Z) with integrated high-temperature cavitometers (up to 800°C), needle and fibre-optic hydrophone probes (size ranging from 10 μm to 4 mm), calibrated to the National Physical Laboratory in the range of 8 kHz up to 30 MHz, with build-in customised software for advanced and simultaneous image and signal processing
- a brand new 4K ultra-high resolution microscope (VHX-7000) for surface inspection and wear/erosion assessment
- access to particle image velocimetry (PIV) system from TSI
- analytical equipment for characterisation studies such as SEM, Uv-Vis, microhardness tester
- auxiliary equipment such as re-circulating chiller to control temperature, double headed peristaltic pump for maintaining continuous process as well as a range of high intensity light sources, digital oscilloscopes and centrifugation devices.
Related courses
- Mechanical Engineering (MSc)