University cost-saving measures

Like many institutions across the sector, the University is experiencing increasing financial challenges due to a range of external factors, such as inflation, flat student fees for UK undergraduates for over a decade, and increases in staff pay and employer pension contributions.

As a result, the University has taken the difficult decision to reduce staff posts in some specific academic areas, and to make other, pay-related staff cost savings across the University.

We remain committed to all of our current students, and will ensure that changes to staffing do not interfere with our students continuing and completing successfully their programme of study.

The University is proposing to reduce the number of salaried academic staff in the following programmes:

  • Anthropology 
  • English and Creative Writing 
  • History
  • Film
  • Architecture.

We expect the proposed new structures to be in place from April 2024.

The University also proposes the closure of the following programmes to new students:

  • Music
  • Mathematics.

The two courses will not take any new applicants in the next academic year and, subject to the normal consultation and committee processes, will commence a period of ‘teach out’ before finally closing when all students have graduated.

We have written to all students on courses that are affected by staff reductions, or which will close in the future, to explain what is happening, and to provide reassurance that they will continue to be taught to the same high standards. 

We recognise that this will be difficult news for some staff members and we are supporting them closely. Redundancy is, and will always be, our last resort, and we will always seek to identify savings through other avenues where possible, such as reducing non-pay spend, realignment of resources and voluntary severance.

We will update affected students over the coming weeks and have published a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) article. Once it is known, we will share the new staffing structure for each programme. We want to ensure that the student voice can be heard, so we will arrange sessions to answer any further questions students on the affected courses may have and students can also use the existing feedback channels for their programme.