Preparing your child for university

For many students, going to university is the first time they have lived away from home. You can play a valuable role in preparing your child for this important new phase in their life.

Photo of Harminda Surana

“"Since I came to university I’ve learned the basics, like doing the chores and keeping track of stuff. It’s not just about education; it’s about being independent and discovering who you are."”

Harminda Surana, studied Human Biology

Before they leave home

  • Encourage them to work out a budget so they know how much money they have to spend each week. Key costs include books and equipment, accommodation costs, food, travel and leisure activities. There’s plenty more guidance on living costs.
  • Check they know how to cook basic meals and do other basic household tasks like use the washing machine.
  • Make yourself aware of what they should and shouldn’t bring with them to university, and give them guidance on packing appropriately.
  • Discuss issues relating to personal safety to ensure they can keep themselves safe, for example taking care of valuables and travelling late at night.
  • Make sure they know who to contact if they have any problems.
Applicants and parent or carer at Open Day
Students in Oxford
Photo of teacups in cafe

Settling in

It is normal for new students based in halls of residence to feel a little unsettled as they get used to their new environment and routine. Most students feel significantly better once they are a few weeks into the term.

If they continue to have problems always encourage them to talk to hall staff, their student support coordinator, or the University wellbeing team.

Encouraging independence

An important part of coming to university is adjusting to a new life as an independent adult. 

When a student starts university, they are responsible for themselves, and our relationship is with them rather than their parents. Under Data Protection legislation we are not permitted to disclose to you any personal information relating to your child.

As part of life at Oxford Brookes, we ensure that our students can easily access support and advice from trained, approachable staff on everything from concerns about their studies to practical issues such as accommodation or budgeting problems, or health and wellbeing concerns.

Keep in touch with Oxford Brookes

Once your child is at Oxford Brookes, there are plenty of ways you can keep in touch with what’s going on at the University, from receiving our latest news via X or Facebook or attending public lectures and many other community events that take place at the University throughout the year.