Dubbing culture in the streaming era

Frederic Chaume will talk about radical changes that translation and adaptation for dubbing have undergone in the recent years. This event can be attended online and in-person.

This session will focus on the radical changes that translation and adaptation for dubbing have wrought upon the media localization market in recent years. The advent of streaming platforms in most households, the resurgence of new English dubs that are now highly professional in nature, and the impact of the digitalization process on both distributors and empowered users have fundamentally transformed the way this profession was carried out in the past. The talk will present the new workflows in the dubbing industry, the agents of the process, the reference materials and the current layouts to submit a dubbing script. It will also focus on new translation strategies and quality standards, and analyse the impact of technology on this activity, with a particular focus on the manner in which culture is conveyed and shaped throughout these processes.

Frederic Chaume is a Full Professor of Audiovisual Translation at Universitat Jaume I (Spain), where he teaches audiovisual translation theory and translation and adaptation for dubbing; and Honorary Professor at University College London (UK), where he teaches translation and adaptation for voice-over and dubbing, Universidad Ricardo Palma (Perú) and Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (Perú). He is author (or coauthor) of eight books and has also coedited two books and three special journal issues (Textus, Perspectives, Prosopopeya). He is the director of the TRAMA book series (Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I), the first collection of monographs on audiovisual translation and media localization, and co-director of Language in the Digital Age (Peter Lang). Prof. Chaume has published over 100 articles, book chapters and encyclopedic entries on audiovisual translation and has given numerous keynote lectures, seminars and workshops on this topic in international translation studies conferences in four continents. He also teaches regularly at University College London (UK), Universidad de Granada (Spain), Universidad Europea de Valencia (Spain), Università di Torino (Italy), Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy), among others. He has supervised or co-supervised 20+ PhD theses on the topic of audiovisual translation and some of them have received different Spanish and European awards. He is also in close contact with the industry, serves as a consultant for OTT platforms, mainly Netlix, and AI companies, and has signed several research agreements with different stakeholders of the media localization sector. He coordinates the research group TRAMA (www.trama.uji.es) and is the recipient of the Berlanga Award (2010), the Xènia Martínez Award (2016) and the Jan Ivarsson’s Award (2020) for his perseverant and enthusiastic support to media localization as well as his constant university training in this field. He has recently been appointed Honorary Member of the Colegio de Traductores del Perú (2024).

This event is part of the Translating Across Cultures and Languages Conference Series at Oxford Brookes University. It is sponsored by the Institute of Languages, Cultures & Societies (ILCS).
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Dr Enora Lessinger



JHB406, John Henry Brookes Building , Headington

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