Migrant presence, cultural resources and political agency

A team of researchers from the UK and Brazil, led by Peter Lugosi from the Oxford Brookes Business School, hosted an online event from São Paulo.
On the 28th of October 2021 (21:00 BST / 17:00 BRT) a team of researchers from the UK and Brazil, led by Peter Lugosi from the Oxford Brookes Business School and the Centre for Business, Society and Global Challenges, hosted an online event from São Paulo. The event emerged from their British Academy funded project: ‘Political Agency, Migrant Presence and Cultural Resources’.
The webinar examined links between migrants’ social and economic visibility in the urban landscape, and their use of food and hospitality-related resources. Project partners explored migrants’ identity work and the ways in which they exercise their political agency through their entrepreneurial activities.
This project was funded by the British Academy (Ref: UNFSF\100001).