Our alumni are very much part of the Oxford Brookes MBA community. Engagement with Oxford Brookes Business School and the MBA offers alumni opportunities for networking, continuous professional development and sharing of their experiences. In turn this is hugely beneficial for our current students, who benefit from the current insights alumni bring and also from the additional networking opportunities.
Alumni and community
The MBA Summer School is a fantastic annual opportunity to network with alumni, current students and Business School staff, and offers opportunity to engage with current research and practice.
As a key event of the MBA community, we address current issues in management with a mixture of academic and industry speakers, from a variety of sectors and cultures, offering an excellent way to explore management from a variety of perspectives, while networking with alumni, current students and staff.
The Summer School takes place in Oxford, but alumni and students can participate online from wherever they are in the world.
The MBA Summer School has been temporarily suspended during the Covid pandemic, but it will take place again as soon as it is possible. You can read about the themes and content of our last two events below.
- Alumni regularly contribute as guest speakers in modules and workshops to share their experiences and insights, while benefitting from the engagement with the University and MBA students.
- Some alumni have enjoyed their time on the programme so much that they come back to the Business School as (associate) tutors to teach on a range of programmes, including the MBA.
- Another great way in which alumni support the MBA, while also benefiting from input from MBA (or MSc) students, is to offer Client Projects or (Group) Consultancy Projects.
- After completing the Oxford Brookes Global MBA you will be able to take one further elective module of your choice online, free of charge, to further your learning in an area of interest.
- Alumni continue to benefit from AMBA membership, which provides a suite of career, networking and knowledge services, providing links to students and alumni from other AMBA-accredited business schools.
- Oxford Brookes Business School offer MBA alumni further opportunities for on-going learning & professional development through attending regular topical webinars, additional MBA elective modules (online or on campus), and other courses and events.
- Oxford Brookes University offers a range of alumni benefits, including career support for recent graduates, international chapters and support for reunions.
The MBA Alumni community has an active programme of regular online webinars and workshops with speakers drawn from business organisations, together with profiles of new ideas and thinking from members of staff and other thinkers. These are typically supplemented by an annual Capstone Project Presentation Conference for alumni and current students, and regional or sector specific workshops.
These online events typically happen monthly or bi-monthly, and provide an excellent avenue for on-going learning and professional development. Each event has a workshop element to allow engagement with the speakers and to encourage networking across the whole MBA community.
Seminars and workshops from our 2021 series include:
- Introduction to the Oxford Brookes Business School / InnovateUK Business Model Innovation toolkit
- Racing to a sustainable future: the business of international Formula E motor-racing
- New strategies and innovation for disruptive industries
- Doughnut economics: sustainable business growth in the 21st century
- Using diagrams and visual presentations for impact and clarity in business strategy
The Oxford Brookes Global MBA tutors bring a wealth of experience and expertise from their careers in industry, consultancy work and research.
We balance academic rigour with experience of commercial practice to educate you in 'the art and craft of management', equipping you to lead and manage organisations, not simply learn management theory. Each module has its own balance of theory and practice, created through our team-teaching approach, in combination with a collaborative learning style that values the experiences of our diverse students. AMBA, EFMD and QS all highly rate the quality of the academic staff. In addition, many practitioners, including MBA alumni, feature as guest speakers.