
BSc Applied Accounting project submissions

RAP submission period 50 will open on Thursday 1 May 2025. 

The closing date for submissions is Tuesday 6 May 2025 at 1.00pm UK time.

If you submit a Research and Analysis Project, it is assumed that you have read the Information Pack. Please read the Information Pack carefully prior to submission. There are sections on submission and resubmission.

If you try to log on or register before Thursday 1 May 2025, you will receive an error message.

Step 1: registration

You will need to go to the submission portal where you will need to create an account. Please see our privacy notice.

It is very important that you provide accurate information. Be very careful to enter your ACCA number and date of birth accurately. These are used to verify your identity and to check your eligibility.

If we need to, we will contact you by email. Please check your email account regularly. If you change email address update your account in the system.

You are also asked to provide a postal address. This is so we can send out degree certificates to successful students. This is likely to be in 8 or 9 month's time. If you move around regularly, it is vital you provide a postal address from which you can collect your certificate. Update the information in your account if necessary.

Please see the PDF document Registration on the Oxford Brookes RAP submission portal for further guidance.

Submission portal

Step 2: submission

After you have registered you need to upload your documents and submit your project. Then you are taken to the payment page (see step 3).

Please see the PDF document Submission of Research and Analysis Project.

Please take your time and follow the instructions carefully.

There are limits to the size of file you can upload. Appendices are limited to 2MB and you must not upload copies of Annual Reports or Financial Statements.

Please take care when uploading your documents - make sure you upload the correct version of the file. If you inadvertently make a mistake, please contact who may be able to help. Please note OBU will not replace the documents you have submitted. It is your responsibility to ensure that the documents you upload are the ones you want marked.

When you upload your documents, the system converts the files and uploads the RR and SLS to Turnitin. This process can take up to 72 hours. It results in a change to the file names and can also change the file size. During the process, the file size will appear as 0.0B, please do not be alarmed by this or email us.

If you encounter any issues in the final hours before the deadline please email the programme administration outlining the issue and include your ACCA number. Please attach the documents you wish to submit as this demonstrates your intention to submit. Not attaching the documents may result in a refusal by the programme to accept your submission.

Step 3: payment

You are required to pay a submission fee to Oxford Brookes University. The fee is £520

Once you have submitted your project you will have the opportunity to proceed to payment. Please follow the instructions carefully.

It is not necessary to pay at the point of your submission however the University will not award any students their degree if there are outstanding fees owed. You can return to the submission portal and make a payment at any time within the submission period.

If you do not have access to a credit or debit card, please send a cheque or banker's draft for £520 sterling payable to “Oxford Brookes University” (with your name and ACCA number on the back) to:

James Wakenell, ACCA Office

CLC G.15, Oxford Brookes Business School

Oxford Brookes University

Oxford OX3 0BP, UK

Privacy notice

Oxford Brookes University (OBU) will be the Data Controller of any personal data that you supply. This means that they will make the decisions on how your data is used and for what reasons.