Dispersal and deposition modelling of ash from Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat

Tom Pering
Department of Geography, University of Reading
December 2010


Ashfall is a notorious hazard that can have a variety of effects on agriculture and infrastructure and, most notably to  aviation and human health. This study discusses the creation of a conceptual model to aid in modelling the dispersal and deposition of ash from Soufrière Hills Volcano on the island of Montserrat. It includes a discussion of assumptions and boundary conditions of the model as well as a detailed diagram of the conceptual model, complete with parameters, units and equations. The two main processes contained within the model are the dispersal and deposition of ash, the outputs obtained from running the model, if created, would be the total amount of fine ash contained in the eruption column, distance travelled by ash and ash thickness at surface. 


Soufrière Hills, Montserrat, volcanic ash, modelling, dispersal, deposition, conceptual

Dispersal and deposition modelling of ash from Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat by Tom Pering is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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Based on a work at geoverse.brookes.ac.uk.

Original Papers - Geoverse
ISSN 1758-3411
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