The National Brewing Library is an English language collection relating to brewing and distilling, other alcoholic beverages and dependent trades. The collection aims to be the primary and most comprehensive source of information in the UK on the scientific, technological, historical and social aspects of the above.
The National Brewing Library continues to be added to, both by individual donations and an on-going programme of purchase, and comprises more than 8,500 volumes. The National Brewing Library is the most significant English language collection in a single location, of books and journals relating to brewing, other alcoholic beverages and dependent trades. About one quarter of the items are unique to the National Brewing Library and do not appear in the catalogues of The British Library or other major collections.
See the recording of the special event to mark the 20th anniversary of the National Brewing Library.
Establishment of the National Brewing Library
Towards the end of the 20th century, the professional and technical organisations which supported the UK brewing industry were being rationalized.
In January 2001 The Institute of Brewing (founded in 1886) and The International Brewers' Guild (founded in 1906) merged to form The Institute and Guild of Brewing (now the Institute of Brewing & Distilling. At about the same time The Brewers and Licensed Retailers Association (formerly The Brewers' Society, founded in 1822) reviewed its objectives and, as The British Beer and Pub Association, moved to new premises where they could no longer house their library.
Under the auspices of The Institute and Guild of Brewing, the libraries of the Institute of Brewing, The International Brewers' Guild and the technical reference library of The Brewers and Licensed Retailers Association were brought together. These were supplemented further by books held within the extensive Whitbread Brewing Archive, following the decision of Whitbread to sell its brewing business.
The IGB advertised for an academic partner who could house and jointly manage the book and journal collections and interest was generated at Oxford Brookes University from both academic and library staff. Key in the project were Dr Katherine Smart through her role as Head of the Brewing Research Group (within the School of Biological and Molecular Sciences), Dr Helen Workman (University Librarian), Tom Martin (Brewer) and Chris Marchbanks (Brewing Technologist). Following acceptance of Oxford Brookes’ proposal by the IGB, from January 2002 the collections were successfully merged, and, in December 2002, the combined library – now named “The National Brewing Library at Oxford Brookes University” was officially opened.
More recently, the collection was augmented further by the addition of books and journals from the Brewery History Society Library, following its closure and dispersal.
The National Brewing Library continues to be added to, both by individual donations and an on-going programme of purchase, and comprises more than 8,500 volumes. The National Brewing Library is the most significant English language collection in a single location, of books and journals relating to brewing, other alcoholic beverages and dependent trades. About one quarter of the items are unique to the National Brewing Library and do not appear in the catalogues of The British Library or other major collections.
The Institute of Brewing & Distilling is pleased to associate the National Brewing Library with Oxford Brookes University. The National Brewing Library works in parallel with the Michael Jackson Collection ("The Beer Hunter") and complements The John Fuller Collection of catering, cookery and gastronomy literature, the Jane Grigson Collection, and other food and gastronomy collections also held in the University Library. These collections support major areas of teaching and research across the University and externally.
- The minute books and business records of The Brewers and Licensed Retailers Association are archived at the University of Warwick Modern Records Centre.
- Those from the Whitbread Archive are deposited at London or County Record Offices according to their geographical origin.
- The Whitbread collection of films is held at the National Motor Museum, Beaulieu.
- The archival material from the Brewery History Society Library was deposited at the History of Advertising Trust.
Major sections of the library
- A comprehensive collection of English language brewing books (dating from the 18th century to the present day), on raw materials (barley, malt, hops, sugar, water, etc.), beer production, fermentation technology, excise and gauging, product quality and sensory analysis.
- Books on other British alcoholic beverages - cider, whisky, wine etc.
- Information on ancillary and support industries - cooperage, engineering suppliers, transport, etc.
- Company histories, anniversary publications, house journals. Histories of public houses, licensed trade, inn signs.
- The temperance movement, alcoholism, alcohol and health.
- Complete runs of scientific and technical journals published by The Institute of Brewing & Distilling and its predecessors and The International Brewers' Guild, plus complete runs of major UK brewing and trade journals.
- Current UK and international brewing and trade journals.
- Information published by The Brewers' Society and Brewers and Licensed Retailers Association.
- Information published by the Brewery History Society.
View the current NBL flyer (PDF).
The collection also includes:
- A selection of European and North American technical and trade magazines.
- Random ephemera that contribute to understanding the social and technical history of the industry.
The collection is a limited resource for information on financial history and licensing law.
The National Brewing Library also holds the business archives of the Institute of Brewing & Distilling precursor organisations from around 1904 up to the 1990s.
Key development milestones
26 March 2001
The Institute & Guild of Brewing issue a prospectus, seeking a partner to accept their library on a permanent loan basis and to manage it jointly.
July 2001
Oxford Brookes University issue their proposal, noting the international reputation for excellence in brewing research and dissemination of technical information held by the Brewing Research Group of the School of Biological and Molecular Sciences. Additionally, that the brewing library would complement other special collections already held in the University Library, in particular the John Fuller Collection of 7000 books and pamphlets on all aspects of hospitality, gastronomy, catering and cookery.
11 December 2001
The Council of the Institute and Guild of Brewing confirm acceptance of Oxford Brookes University's proposal. Press release (Word document)
January 2002
Boxes of books from the Whitbread Library and the British Beer and Pub Association have already arrived.
6 March 2002
More than 100 boxes containing the Institute of Brewing Technical and Historical Library (which has been in non-accessible storage since 18 August 2000) are delivered.
09 April 2002
The first formal meeting of the joint management committee is held with an initial remit of agreeing a name for the collection and drafting the legal agreement between the two partner institutions.
Spring 2002
Boxes are unpacked, books and journals are sorted, and duplicates are identified for return to the Institute and Guild of Brewing Library and Archive Group for sale or disposal.
2 July 2002
Cataloguing begins. By the end of November more than 3,600 books and pamphlets will have been fully catalogued.
16 July 2002
A press release is issued by the Public Relation Office at Oxford Brookes University announcing the establishment of the collection and confirming the name as "The National Brewing Library at Oxford Brookes University".
10 December 2002
The National Brewing Library is officially opened by Dr John Andrews, President of The Institute and Guild of Brewing and Professor Graham Upton, Vice Chancellor, Oxford Brookes University. This event will coincide with an IGB meetings day and Fellows Dinner, hosted by Oxford Brookes University.
December 2002
The catalogue of the National Brewing Library will become available, with links from Oxford Brookes University Library homepage, The Institute and Guild of Brewing homepage, and the British Beer and Pub Association homepage.
6 January 2003
The National Brewing Library is open to Members of the Institute and Guild of Brewing, Oxford Brookes University and bona fide researchers and scholars.
Spring 2003
The National Brewing Library website launched.
September 2003
The collection is moved into new secure accommodation, linked to the John Fuller Collection.
6 May 2004
The National Brewing Library Management Committee agree the new Scope of the Collection and Aquisitions Policy
September 2005
Oxford Brookes University opens the Buckley Building - the new centre for research. One floor of this, attached to the Library, forms the new Special Collections Reading Room. The National Brewing Library, along with other special collections, is moved into this purpose built accommodation which provides controlled temperature and humidity, secure conditions and appropriate working areas both for Library staff and visitors.
January 2006
A programme of conserving and protecting the older and more vulnerable books (by individual conservation boxes) begins. Completed 2012.
The personal library, published books and research papers of Michael Jackson "The Beer Hunter" are gifted to Oxford Brookes Library - named as "The Michael Jackson Collection" and forming a parallel collection to the NBL.
March 2009
The Business Archives of the Institute of Brewing & Distilling are deposited in the Collection.
A programme of checking the holdings of every journal begins - to identify gaps, advertise these on the website and aim to fill them.
2010 / 2011
Following the closure and dispersal of the Brewery History Society Library, a significant number of books and journals are added to the NBL and will be augmented annually by the deposit of their publishing output.
Ten years of the National Brewing Library at Oxford Brookes University.
2012/ 2013
OBU plans for the move of the NBL into the new University Library, in the John Henry Brookes Building, in 2014.
2014/ 2015
OBU moves the National Brewing Library and other special collections into the new space in the John Henry Brookes building.
A display case is purchased with donations made in memory of Chris Marchbanks, to commemorate his contribution as a key player in the development of the National Brewing Library.
Cataloguing of items in the collection is fully up to date with completion of the backlog of unusual items from the original donation.
Management and on-going support
Establishment of The National Brewing Library was assisted by a generous grant from the Institute and Guild of Brewing Grants Committee and continues to be supported by an annual grant from the Institute of Brewing & Distilling.
The Library is on permanent loan to Oxford Brookes University and is supervised by a Management Committee, with representation from The Institute of Brewing & Distilling Library and Archive Group and The British Beer and Pub Association, plus Library and academic representation from Oxford Brookes University.
In addition to maintaining the historical library, the Management Committee has an acquisition policy for enhancing the collection and adding new publications.
Donations of materials relevant to the collection are welcomed by The Institute of Brewing & Distilling, through its Library and Archive Group.
Donations and purchases
- Donations and purchases 2003
- Donations and purchases 2004
- Donations and purchases 2005
- Donations and purchases 2006
- Donations and purchases 2007
- Donations and purchases 2008
- Donations and purchases 2009
- Donations and purchases 2010
- Donations and purchases 2011
- Donations and purchases 2012
- Donations and purchases 2013
- Donations and purchases 2014
- Donations and purchases 2015
- Donations and purchases 2016
- Donations and purchases 2017
- Donations and purchases 2018
- Donations and purchases 2019
- Donations and purchases 2020
- Donations and purchases 2021-2024
Current Journals
The National Brewing Library receives an ongoing donation of 28 current journals, from the publishers. We are grateful to these publishers for ensuring that the National Brewing Library continues to develop and build on its historic content with currently published material.
Back runs of journals
The National Brewing Library has about 200 different journal titles, including 19th Century and early 20th brewing industry publications, house magazines, current brewing, pub, beer and distilling titles and some foreign publications. Many of these go from the first issue and our aim is to have complete sets of all these titles. However there are many gaps and we would be very pleased if you could help us fill these. Listed below are the titles we are currently trying to complete.
If you have any of the missing issues (shown in red), and would be willing to donate them to the National Brewing Library, we would be very pleased to hear from you - email:
Audio visual material
Although the NBL does not actively collect AV materials, a collection of programmes on video, which are within the scope of the collection has built up.
The NBL does not own the copyright to this material and is not able to give permission for any use.
Scope of the Collection and Acquisitions Policy
The National Brewing Library is an English language collection relating to brewing, distilling, other alcoholic beverages and dependent trades. The collection aims to be the primary and most comprehensive source of information in the UK, on the scientific, technological, historical and social aspects of the above.
Core areas are (within the context of brewing and distilling):
- Historical English language books
- Raw materials - barley & other cereals, malt, hops, sugar, water
- Yeast
- Fermentation
- Microbiology
- Technology, engineering & production
- Product quality
- Sensory / flavour analysis
- Customs & Excise
- Company histories
- Licensed trade, including histories of public houses, guides & inn signs
- Social customs related to drink / drinking
Related areas are (within the context of brewing and distilling):
- Ancillary and support industries - cooperage, transport, suppliers, packaging
- Other alcoholic beverages - cider, perry, wine, RTDs (ready to drinks), alcopops, etc
- Licencing law
- Core science eg "Methods of analysis"
- Marketing, advertising
- Alcohol and health
- The temperance movement
Scientific, professional & trade publications:
- Complete runs of scientific and technical journals published by The Institute of Brewing, The International Brewers' Guild, The Institute & Guild of Brewing
- Information to members, published by The Brewers' Society, Brewers and Licensed Retailers Association, British Beer & Pub association
- Complete runs of major UK brewing, distilling and trade journals
- Conference proceedings
- European Brewing Convention publications
- American Society of Brewing Chemists journals
- Master Brewers Association of the Americas journals.
Company reports
The NBL recognises the role of the University of Warwick Library in maintaining archive and current sets of company reports. The policy regarding company reports, within the scope of the Collection, is that current reports will not actively be sought. However, any reports obtained, will be added to the NBL and the position reviewed in a few years.
The NBL hold an incomplete archive set of British patents relating to brewing. The policy is that this set will not be systematically added to.
Acquisitions strategy
- To identify potential gaps in book coverage
- To create a wants list of specific historical items
- To create a wants list of missing journal issues from the titles held
- To advertise our wants lists
- To aim to obtain all newly published English language books in the core areas above
- To obtain selectively newly published English language books in the related areas above
- To aim to obtain all current English language journals in the areas of brewing and distilling.
Acquisitions policy
Acquisition of material for the collection can be by donation, exchange, deposit, or purchase. The primary group responsible for acquisition of all materials is the Institute and Guild of Brewing Library and Archive Group.
- All publications of the IGB will come to the NBL via the Library and Archive Group
- The publishers of newly published books will be contacted, at the time of publication, and asked if they would donate a copy to the NBL
- The publishers of English language journals in the areas of brewing and distilling will be asked to donate each current issue to the NBL
- Donations of material, which fall within the scope of the collection, will be welcomed.
- Exchange arrangements may be set up between the IGB and other organisations to obtain copies of journals and/or other publications for the National Brewing Library.
- Organisations may be asked if they would be willing to deposit their collections or publications within the NBL. (For example, an archive set of the Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists is deposited by the ASBC.)
- A limited budget may be available to purchase specific items.
National Brewing Library Management Committee
May 2004
NBL scope of the collections and acquisitions policy (Word 97 document)
Articles about the National Brewing Library
- The National Brewing Library at Oxford Brookes University, Tom Martin. Brewery History, Issue 116 (Autumn 2004), pp 34-38.
- The National Brewing Library, Chris Marchbanks. Brewer & Distiller International, Nov 2012, pp 50-51.
- National Brewing Library moves to state of the art new facility at Oxford Brookes University, Simon Jackson, IBD, Feb 2016, p 44.
- A new home for the National Brewing Library, Ray Anderson and Robert Curry, Brewer & Distiller International, Feb 2016.
Lecture recording: Standing on the shoulders of giants: The National Brewing Library - a celebration. Professor Katherine Smart.
Events, lectures and exhibitions celebrating the National Brewing Library
Related information and websites
Related to the National Brewing Library
- LibrarySearch (previously the Oxford Brookes University Library Catalogue): as well as the National Brewing Library, Oxford Brookes University Library holds the Fuller Collection of some 7000 books and pamphlets on all aspects of hospitality, gastronomy, catering and cooking.
- Institute of Brewing & Distilling: the worldwide organisation for the provision of education, training, formal qualifications and the promotion of brewing excellence.
- Journal of the Institute of Brewing (Institute of Brewing & Distilling)
- The British Beer and Pub Association
- The Michael Jackson Collection: The books and papers of Michael Jackson, also held in Oxford Brookes University Library
Sources of brewing, pub and other alcoholic beverages information
- British Library, Business and IP Centre: Drinks Industry Guide (PDF)
- Beermad: Founded in 1999, has international coverage and includes links to websites for breweries, pubs., pub guides, beer festivals and online retailers.
- Birmingham University: A sizable collection of technical publications on malting and brewing, held mainly in the Cadbury Research Library.
- Brewery History Society: The Society for all who are interested in the history of British breweries.
- The Brewing Industry: Archive Report (PDF): A Brewery History Society project supported by English Heritage, February 2019.
- Brewing Libraries List: Worldwide list of libraries with large brewing collections.
- Chaston Chapman Brewing Collection (University of Leeds): Beer and brewing material from 1578-1986 held as part of the private collection of Mr. Chapman consulting chemist.
- European Beer Guide: A personal website created by Ron Pattinson giving a huge amount of information about beer, breweries, pubs, bars, beerhalls and beer gardens throughout Europe, including guides, articles and statistics.
- Inn Sign Society: Recording the stories behind Britain's pub signs.
- Inside Beer: a comprehensive website on all aspects of beer and brewing, created by beer writer Jeff Evans.
- Livesey Collection: A significant resource for the study of the Temperance Movement.
- London Metropolitan Archives: includes key areas of food and drink (including brewery business archives); licensed places of public entertainment, gentlemens' clubs and Licensed Victuallers records (PDF).
- Old's College: Alberta, Canada. Housing a 'Teaching Brewery' including resources.
- Portman Group: Supported by the UK's leading drinks producers and is concerned solely with the social responsibility issues surrounding alcohol.
- National Brewery Centre: Museum; also has Bass archive, other Burton breweries, and beer related artefacts including pub photos, Inn-signs and bottles.
- Pub History Society: Initiated in February 2001 to help bring together like minded individuals who enjoy some aspect of pub history.
- Research Institute of Brewing and Malting: Prague, Czech Republic. Two libraries including the Brno technical library specialising in malt and barley (open to the public).
- Scandinavian School of Brewing: Copenhagen, Denmark. Qualifications for brewing at various level offered, with associated library.
- Scottish Brewing Archive: Established in 1982 to collect and preserve the records of the brewing industry in Scotland.
- UKHospitality: The network of retailers and industry suppliers that champions the smaller independent companies that own and operate pubs, bars and restaurants in UK. Created by a merger of the British Hospitality Association (BHA) and Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers (ALMR)
- University of Warwick Modern Records Centre: A Collection-level Description for the Papers of the Brewers and Licensed Retailers Association.
Organisations involved in brewing, distilling and other alcoholic beverages
- American Distilling Institute: The collective voice of the new generation of progressive beverage, medical and aromatic distillers, and is dedicated to the mission of disseminating professional information on the distilling process.
- Brewing, Food & Beverage Industry Suppliers Association: Founded in 1907, a trade association representing an entire value chain - from seed merchants, barley growers, maltsters, hop merchants, suppliers of raw materials through to production and packaging machinery manufacturers and suppliers and dispense/point of sale suppliers, manufacturers and installers
- Brewers Association: "A Passionate Voice for Craft Brewers". Established in 2005 by a merger of the Association of Brewers and the Brewers' Association of America.
- The Brewers' Company: A City Livery Company established in 1438. The Company is actively involved in supporting the brewing industry and education in brewing. It has a major philanthropic role as trustee to various major charitable trust funds supporting two schools, multiple other educational initiatives and a number of almshouses.
- The Brewers of Europe: The voice of the European brewing sector to the European institutions and international organisations.
- CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale): Campaigning for Real Ale, Pubs and Drinkers' rights since 1971
- English Wine Producers: The marketing association of the English wine industry, incorporating The United Kingdom Vineyards Association.
- Gin and Vodka Association: Trade association representing the UK’s gin and vodka industry.
- Independent Family Brewers of Britain: Represents 27 independent family brewers and provides information on cask ale and news of member organisations.
- Maltsters Association of Great Britain: Formed in 1827 and working with the UK malting industry since that date.
- Master Brewers Association of the Americas: Formed in 1887 with the purpose of promoting, advancing, and improving the professional interest of brew and malt house production and technical personnel.
- The National Association of Cider Makers: Promotes the cider and perry industry in the UK and represents both larger producers and many hundreds of smaller scale cider makers in the cider trade.
- Pub is the Hub: Set up in 2001, through the Rural Action Programme of Business in the Community, by The Prince of Wales, it encourages breweries, pub owners, licensees and local communities to work together to help retain and enhance rural pubs.
- The Scotch Whisky Association: A source of information to those interested in learning more about Scotch Whisky
- The Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA): Founded in 1980 under the title The Small Independent Brewers Association to represent the interests of the growing numbers of independent brewing companies in the UK.
- Wine & Spirit Trade Association: The UK lobbying organisation for the wine and spirit industry representing over 320 companies producing, importing, transporting and selling wines and spirits - includes documentation on social responsibility and policy.
Other related beer websites
- British Guild of Beer Writers: whose aims are "To improve standards of beer writing and extend the public knowledge of beer."
- Durden Park Beer Circle: A group of dedicated beer makers, whose original activity was mainly based on the research, production and appreciation of Old British Beers particularly from around 1840 - 1914.
- Michael Jackson Beer Hunter - Library