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Smart searching

You can get better results from Google if you learn how to be a smart searcher. Try the tips for Advanced Search, Google Scholar and Image Search below.

For more subject-specific sources, you should also try our databases, available through your course resource help page.

Decorative image showing a magnifying glass above the Google logo

Advanced search

The URL for Google Advanced Search is: Or, you can just Google 'advanced search'!

Boolean searching

Google advanced search allows you to combine search terms, using Boolean search functions (AND, OR, NOT) to design a better search. The Boolean search video will show you how.

Advanced search filters

Once you've mastered this, try using the advanced search filters.

The video will show you how to filter your results by language, region, last update, website type or file format.

These can be useful for telling Google specifically what to look for, where to look and what you want in your results.

Google Scholar

Searching Scholar

Find lots of academic content including journal articles, theses and case law using Google Scholar.

Library links

And if you change your settings to look for Oxford Brookes content, it will tell you when an article is available in full text through the Library! We show you how in our Library Links video.

Image search

Just like Google text search, Google image search has advanced options that can be really helpful.

Finding images to use in your assignments

Watch the video on finding images and gifs to learn how to find great pictures, photos and animated images for your projects and presentations.

Don't forget to reference the images you find.

It is wise to be aware that some images can be misleading - this guide from Full Fact explains how to spot a fake.