Databases can help you to trace journal articles and other publications (including book reviews, reports and conference proceedings) in your subject area. Most databases provide abstracts (summaries) and a few are full-text (they contain complete articles). Importantly, databases provide high quality academic information, which is necessary for your assignments and research.
PsycInfo and Web of Science are listed first as they are the key databases for this subject. The others are listed alphabetically, and cover different aspects of psychology.
A broad based Psychology database, coverage includes abstracts of books, journal articles and dissertations. Covers material published since 1887 Contains more than 1.5 million references.
Web of Science
Contains the Social Sciences Citation Index, the Science Citation Index, the Arts and Humanities Citation Index and two Conference Proceedings Citation Indices. It provides bibliographic information and abstracts from a wide range of key journals for all aspects of Psychology.
Academic Search Complete
A full-text database providing full articles, with their accompanying indexing and abstracts, across a wide range of subjects.
Box of Broadcasts (BoB)
An online archive giving you access to thousands of recorded radio and TV programmes including films. It allows users to record programmes which will then be stored on the database. Log in when prompted with your Brookes username and password.
British Education Index
Covers mostly British and European Education journals, as well as some research reports and conference papers. Lots of the articles (not all) have the full text available. EBSCO.
Child Development & Adolescent Studies
A key database for Early Childhood including development, behaviour, psychiatry, psychology.
Nursing, health care. The CINAHL Database covers the following allied health fields: Athletic Training, Audiology, Cardiopulmonary Technology, Dental Hygiene, Emergency Services, Health Information Management, Medical Assisting, Medical/Laboratory Technology, Nutrition and Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Physician's Assistant, Radiologic Technology, Respiratory Therapy, Social Service in Health Care, Speech-Language Pathology, Surgical Technology. Covers material published since 1982. In total, more than 1200 serial publications are regularly reviewed and indexed. Since 1986 abstracts have been included and are now available for 600 journal titles. Full text for selected items is available.
American based education database sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. ERIC includes coverage of journal articles, conferences, and books, mostly but not exclusively about American education and from American journals.
International news database providing archive of over 12,000 sources from 152 countries in 22 languages. Leading national newspapers, trade and professional journals, the BBC Monitoring Service (transcripts of world radio broadcasts) are all included. No data harvesting, systematic reviews, or large data exports are permitted - the supplier will suspend access if mass downloading is conducted.
A subset of PubMed and a very large international Medical database. Includes Clinical Psychology, as well as therapies.
An international database focused on post-traumatic stress, acute stress and other psychiatric disorders related to traumatic events.
A very large international Medical, biomedical and Healthcare database which includes Clinical Psychology, as well as therapies.
Science Direct
Contains around 2500 full text journals published by Elsevier, mainly in science, technology and medicine. Full text coverage for most journals in the collection is available from 2002 to present.
Sociological Abstracts
Covers a broad range of subjects including sociology, political theory, social anthropology. Covers material published since 1952. Also includes cited references for all journal articles indexed on the database since 2002. ProQuest.
Sport Discus
Considered by some to be the leading database in the field of Sport, Coaching and Physical Education, SPORTDiscus contains information on sports medicine, exercise physiology, physical fitness, sports science, sports psychology, biomechanics, training, teaching, programming and coaching material.