Emergency Evacuation Procedure

In the case of an emergency evacuation of the nursery, the fire drill procedure would be followed as normal and a head count taken at the designated assembly points.

The children would then be escorted through the rear garden gate and walk across to the Clive Booth staff rest room where they can wait in safety until the Fire Brigade arrives.

If the Fire Brigade deem the building to be unsafe to re-enter, the parents would be contacted and asked to collect their child/ren. Staff will all remain with the group until all the children are collected.

The building will only be re-entered when and if the Fire Brigade confirm it is safe to do so.

The Nursery Manager would inform Ofsted of the incident.

Regular fire drills will be carried out and the name of the staff who were in attendance recorded to ensure that all staff have regular practise.

This policy was reviewed in March 2024.