Special Educational Needs Policy

Oxford Brookes University Nursery recognises that every child should be equally valued and included and has the right to be given the opportunity to achieve their potential. We therefore welcome all children, parents and carers into the setting and will endeavour to meet their individual needs.

The nursery has regard for the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. We have a purpose built nursery which is fully accessible to all and user friendly but should any further adaptations be needed then we would take all reasonable steps to do this.

We follow the guidance of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice July 2014 which puts the view and wishes of the child and parents at the heart of decision making and further actions and support. Once a child has been identified as needing additional support, in partnership with the parents, an Early Years Support Plan will be written which sets out development goals and support strategies stemming from the aspirations of the family. The setting SENCo will be responsible for co-ordinating this support and ensuring regular reviews take place to ensure the effectiveness and impact on the child’s progress. The child’s key person will be responsible for working with the child on a daily basis and putting the support into practice.

Occasionally a child will need more comprehensive support if they have not made the expected progress through Early Support in which case the setting can request an Education, Health and Care needs assessment by the Local Authority. This may result in an EHC plan being drawn up after consultation with relevant partner agencies.

The setting SENCo is trained to manage the process of recording and monitoring children with special educational needs. The SENCo is also there to support parents, carers and staff in the process and liaising with professionals or agencies beyond the setting.

We are committed to working in partnership with parents and carers to support children who have barriers in learning new tasks and skills. Our work with parents and carers is always confidential and respectful of their wishes. The nursery has high expectations of all children to develop their individual potential. We take account of the ascertainable views of the child and record their feelings and choices through photographs if the child is unable to communicate through speech.

We review our work with children through regular team meetings and review our policies at least annually. We liaise informally with other providers for young children and pass on a written record of children’s progress to the next setting they attend. We have close contact with our Early Years Special Educational Needs Inclusion Teacher (EYSENIT) and with others who support children with special educational needs. We are also able to bid for funding, through the Inclusion Support Scheme, for additional staff hours (to support the child in the setting) or for specialist equipment.

If you have any concerns or queries regarding this policy or the nursery’s Special Educational Needs’ practice, then please contact the nursery Manager/SENCo between the hours of 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Thursday. If the Manager/SENCo is unavailable at this time, then please leave a convenient time for her to call you back to discuss any issues.

The Nursery Manager and SENCo for the setting is Sarah Hinkin.

Nursery contact: 

Oxford Brookes University Nursery 
Morrell Hall
John Garne Way 
OX3 0TU 
Tel: 01865 485050

Ofsted contact:

The National Business Unit
Picacadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD
Tel: 0300 123 1231

This policy was reviewed in November 2021.