Professor Angus Phillips

Director of the Oxford International Centre for Publishing

School of Arts

Angus Phillips


Professor Angus Phillips is Director of the Oxford International Centre for Publishing. He has degrees from Oxford and Warwick universities, and before joining Oxford Brookes he ran a trade and reference list at Oxford University Press. He works as a consultant to the publishing industry and is often invited to speak at international conferences and events. His recent books include Inside Book Publishing (with Giles Clark), The Oxford Handbook of Publishing (with Michael Bhaskar), and Turning the Page. Forthcoming is Is this a Book? (with Miha Kovac). He is on the European Advisory Board of Princeton University Press and was a judge for the Bookseller industry awards for four years in a row. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the premier publishing journal Logos.

Teaching and supervision


Modules taught

  • Editorial Management and Content Development
  • Dissertation and Major Project


I regularly supervise PhD students and examine PhDs at other institutions.

I welcome enquiries from PhD candidates.

Research Students

Name Thesis title Completed
Nicholas Grosso Blueprints: Investigating how principles of architecture and infrastructure inform the construction of publishers' identities in the digital age 2024


Key research interests include:

  • Digital publishing
  • The international publishing industry
  • Book covers
  • Economic history of publishing
  • Publishing in China

Research group membership

  • Member of Working Group 4 of the SCH COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action IS1404 - Evolution of reading in the age of digitisation
  • Convenor of international conference for publishing studies – By the Book (Florence, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017)

Centres and institutes



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