Dr Arantza Aldea
BSc, PhD
Senior Lecturer
School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
I am a Senior Lecturer in Computing, the Subject Coordinator for Foundation in Computing year and also the liaison manager for the computing foundation degrees delivered at Abingdon and Witney College and Wiltshire College.
Teaching and supervision
Modules taught
I mainly teach programming modules in Java and Python for foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate students and will start teaching data visualisation and data science.
Centres and institutes
- Applied Software Engineering and Data Analytics Group (ASEDA)
- Machine Learning and Robotics Group (MLR)
- Avatar Based LEarning for Diabetes Optimal Control (ABLE DOC)
- CAVE-based Patient Education Tool (CAVEPET)
- Cloud-based Tool for Diabetes Management and Research in Colombia (COORDINATE)
- Criticality Analysis of Energetic Control in Diabetic Gait (CARDIGAN)