Ms Caroline Hardy
BSc in Community Nursing, MSc in Higher Education
Senior Lecturer
Oxford School of Nursing and Midwifery

Caroline is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences. She completed her nurse training at Westminster Hospital in London in 1983 and then specialised in women's surgery. She travelled widely in South American, the Middle East and Australia and worked in Melbourne and Sydney on surgical wards in large training hosptials. On her return she took up a job in Community nursing in Oxfordshire where she worked for 10 years as a community staff nurse, District nurse and team leader for a variety of GP practices. She began working at Oxford Brookes in 2000 undertaking a research project looking at community nurses and their experience of education in HE. She then went on to teach on the Adult nursing BSc for six years as well as being Subject Co-ordinator for the Diploma in Adult Nursing when it was first introduced at Oxford Brookes.
After a career break to complete her MSc in Higher Education she returned to Brookes in 2008 and joined the Foundation degree in Health and Social Care course. In 2009 she became the Course Leader. When the Foundation degree moved to three Associate College Partner Colleges in September 2012 she became Liaison Manager for Oxford and Cherwell Valley College and Swindon FE College. She also continued to teach the skills component of the course as well as supporting students in practice for the Work Based learning modules.
After a secondment to the OUH NHS Foundation Trust in 2014, she is now teaching on Adult Nursing BSc and is module leader for the Dementia module. She is also part of a team offering Dementia Simulation teaching to internal and external bodies.
Caroline is also Course Leader for the Nursing Associate pilot at Oxford Brookes, as part of the Thames Valley Nursing Associate Partnership.
Teaching and supervision
Modules taught
- Education in Nursing Practice 1
- Education in Nursing Practice 2
- Dementia in the context of Health and Social Care
- Study Skills for Nursing Associates
- Science for Nursing Associates
- Work Based Learning modules for Nursing Associates
- BSc Adult Nursing
- Nursing Associate (pilot)
- Dementia simulation
Brookes Teaching Award for examining optimum number for training in dementia simulation.